Finale, Part 1

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The fathers of the groom spared no expense in making sure their son looked nothing less than ethereal for his wedding. He had spent hours getting ready, more than he had ever spent on his appearance. When he finally stepped out of the dressing room to ask his dads how he looked, they were in tears.

His suit was pure white except for his royal blue tie, masterfully tailored. Even his eye patch was white to fit the theme. His hair was swept to the side in order to show off more of his face. 

"Ciel! You look perfect, oh I'm so proud of you," Vincent cried, throwing his arms around his son.

"You're going to get tears all over him! And wrinkle his perfectly ironed suit!" Diederich snapped, yanking his eccentric husband off his son.

"But doesn't he just look so dashing? Look at our boy, look how handsome he is! He truly does take after me."

Diederich rolled his eyes at his spouse, "You look perfect, Ciel."

Instead of a bear hug, Diederich opted to help smooth his suit and straighten his tie. 

"I'm proud of you, son," He said quietly, brushing his shoulders.

"Thanks, Vati." 

Ciel couldn't help but crack into a smile. He never liked to be optimistic, but he was sure today would be the best day of his life. 

"Come on now, we ought to start heading to the altar."

Diederich took his husband's hand and guided him to their seats in the front pew of the church. As they passed each pew, Vincent threw out waves and smiled as if he were the main event. No one could blame him for beaming so brightly, though, since he'd finally be able to see his son getting married.

The processional began as the music of the piano crept into the room where Ciel waited. The officiant stepped onto the altar, signaling Ciel to go. With a deep breath, he strode down the aisle. Surrounded by his friends of this life and the life before, he felt nothing but joy. There were tears sparkling already in some eyes. He again burst into a genuine smile, melting the hearts of the ones who remembered the days when he had forgotten how to. 

As he stood at the altar, the best man Soma entered the hall. He wore a sleek black kurta paired with a gold-colored dhoti, which had been chosen, carefully tailored, and embroidered by Agni himself. His smile was blinding, and his eyes sparkled with excitement to the point you'd almost believe he was the groom. He mouthed 'good luck' to Ciel before finding his spot on the altar. 

The groomsmen were next to walk. Each of them wore a black suit, a white dress shirt, and gold ties. Their pocket squares, neatly folded and tucked, were golden as well. Lau wore a golden dragon lapel pin, Finney one of a sunflower, Bard had a chef's hat, and Snake had a snake, of course. The three walked nervously down the aisle, trying desperately not to mess up anything. Snake almost tripped, but Finny and Bard held him up and kept walking smoothly, pretending as if nothing had happened. They breathed a collective sigh of relief when they reached the altar and shuffled into their positions. 

The two "bridesmaids" were next, although there was obviously no bride to speak of. Mey-Rin wore a black velvet mermaid qipao embroidered with gold flowers. Ran-Mao wore the same type of dress but in an iridescent pale yellow, tightly drawn across her body. The women held hands so that Mey-Rin wouldn't follow in the footsteps of Snake. It took a bit for the redhead to reach the altar, but once she did, she found her spot and sighed contently. Ran-Mao squeezed her hand and whispered 'you did good', as Mey-Rin blushed profusely. 

Flamboyantly rushing into the aisle next was the Maid of Honor, Grelle Sutcliffe. In exchange for being able to wear such a distracting dress, she agreed to at least stick with the color palette of the wedding. Thus, her outfit was made of black satin. It was a dramatic off-the-shoulder mermaid dress that flowed beautifully as she walked. There was a plunging back window, and the dress clung elegantly to her slender figure. She looked like a model. Ciel's eyes flicked to Will, expecting him to be brooding at his wife's daringness. Surprisingly, he was in awe of her, captivated by her beauty, and it was funny to see such a stoic man fall to pieces at the sight of his beloved. 

Some of the people that Ciel had not known in the past gasped and recoiled a bit at the sight of the ring bearer and the flower girl. The ring bearer was Oscar, a bright green snake, proudly carrying the rings on a cushion above his head. Tossing flowers around was Emily, a red banded snake that languidly slithered up the aisle. Snake beamed at the sight of his friends, and all those who were acquainted with the snakes could only chuckle a bit. 

Finally, the moment had come. Accompanied by a jolly-looking Tanaka, Sebastian slowly made his approach down the aisle. He was dressed in a pure black suit save for a crimson tie, along with a tailcoat. It reminded Ciel of the past, and he couldn't help but feel nostalgic. His groom's face was covered by a long flowing black veil, as Sebastian had insisted on it. Sebastian's gloves were also notably absent, proudly showing the contract mark that was still burned into his skin. It served as a reminder of their fates, that they were intrinsically linked to each other, now and forever. A few murmurs came up at the sight of the mark, seeing as its connotations were rather unsavory. None of it mattered as Sebastian stood in front of Ciel at the altar, probably uncontrollably smiling under the veil. 

As the officiant spoke, Ciel felt as if the world had stopped around them. He didn't hear the words of the readers or anyone at all. Even his breathing slowed. He just saw Sebastian, with his veil gently swaying. Almost in a daze, he reached for him, to hold his hand. Sebastian took it softly, gripping it firmly. Ciel swore he heard his almost-husband giggle as they held hands, in an almost childish state of glee.

I love him. More than anything. 

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