Chapter 1

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After his mother sealed Aleks, both had been transported away through a portal. Zack found himself next to his crying brother on a large stone staircase. When he looked around, he realized where he was. Oh no, we have to go!

Panic gripped him when he heard approaching voices. But where should he go alone with his brother? In a panic, he hid behind a pillar. Aleks was still lying at the top of the staircase, crying. Tacina!

Two nuns came out of the entrance and saw the crying child.

"Oh no, how terrible! Who could do such a terrible thing?" one said with a horrified expression.

The other picked him up and weighed him. "Who could leave such a little angel behind?"

At first, they seemed a bit perplexed, but then the one on the right spoke, "We will take him into our orphanage. Come, Mary, let us go to the Reverend Mother."

Zack watched as they carried his brother away, and tears ran down his face. But how was he supposed to protect his brother? He was alone and much too small. The nuns would protect him, even if he couldn't go to him himself.

Once a clergyman had insulted him as Satan's brood, since then he and his mother had avoided religious places. He will be better off there. I'm going to make it somehow. Resolutely, Zack walked away.

Two days had passed since he had left Aleks with the nuns. He sat on a bench in the park and looked up at the sky. His stomach gave off a loud rumbling. He hadn't eaten anything since that day. His limbs were heavy and he was freezing. He had tried to get food out of garbage cans but was caught. A bruise was emblazoned on his cheek, which was when the owner caught it with his foot when he stepped on Zack. He was helpless and alone. Only the thoughts of his little brother kept him awake. Quietly he began to cry and curl up into a packet.

"Na, why did you leave me alone?"

Thick tears rolled down his face. Then he let go of a scream. The birds in the area startled and fluttered wildly through the air. He was so tired. Maybe it was better if he just fell asleep. Slowly he closed his eyes.

"Wake up," a dull voice said. He felt a shake on his shoulder. I don't want to. Let me sleep.

"Is he dead?" another voice asked.

Again, another shake. Reluctantly, Zack opened his eyes. In front of him stood a young woman with long brown curly hair and gray-blue eyes. "Little one, did you call me?" she asked.

Called? Zack didn't understand what she was getting at. With a groan, he sat up and looked at her.

"You look like Killian when he was little," she said.

Killian? "Dad?" Zack asked.

"Are you Killian's son?" she asked softly.

Zack nodded. That was his dad's name. "Dad is in heaven," he said. The woman began to cry and held him in a tight embrace.

"This is a miracle," she sobbed.

Zack didn't understand her, so he did what his mom had always done when he was sad. He stroked her hair. The young woman seemed to slowly calm down. "What's your name? My name is Rikara, but you can call me Rika."

"My name is Zackory, but call me Zack," he replied.

"Why are you all alone here?" Rika asked.

The little boy began to cry again. "Mom died. I am alone." The woman made a pitiful expression.

"Rika, we have to move on," her companion said, who had so far remained in the background.

"Lina, go without me. I will take Zack home with me and take care of him," Rika said with determined words.

"Kara won't like that, but you have to clarify that with her. I'll be gone," the woman said and then left without another word.

Rika looked at Zack again. "Do you want to come with me? You can live with me if you want."

Zack nodded. Even though his mom had said he wasn't allowed to go with strangers, he was now all alone and had no choice. So he went with the young woman.

Rika took care of everything. Zack got food, clothes and went to school after a year. Rika lived with four other women in a large house. The women – Lina, Seira, and Connie – had greeted him joyfully and took turns with Rika in babysitting. Zack slept in a small room next to Rika's room.

Lina was a 6' 3'' tall blonde with a short bob and amethyst eyes. There was always a smile on her face. Seira was the opposite of Lina. She was introverted and reserved. She was two heads taller than Lina, had long, light brown hair and dark brown eyes. Connie was the remedy – the good soul. With her Afro and black eyes, she looked very exotic.

The leader was Kara – a red-haired woman with storm-grey, cold eyes. He had felt the aversion from the beginning, but she tolerated him, for now. The reason for this was that he was the son of Rika's best friend, Killian. Killian had helped them a lot before his death, so they saw it as debt relief. Zack didn't care, the main thing was that he had a roof over his head and something to eat.

Zack knew that he was different from normal people, but he didn't realize what he was until he was twelve years old. Twice a month there was an evening when numerous men came into the house. Zack had to stay in his room and wasn't allowed out.

One day, however, he urgently needed to go to the toilet, so he ventured out. On quiet toes, he crept to the toilet. As he made his way back, he heard strange noises. Curious, he followed the sounds – against better knowledge. When he arrived in front of Lina's room, he saw that the door was open a crack. Curious, he looked into the room. What he saw, he couldn't understand at that time. Lina, Rika, and three men were naked and rubbing against each other. The women made strange noises and their bodies moved quickly. Then Zack smelled it - sweet, deep.

His body began to tingle. He hastily retreated, making him stumble and fall. He heard footsteps behind him. "Well, who are you?" a deep voice asked him.

Zack turned around and looked up. Behind him stood a tall man with short black hair, brown eyes, and a slight shadow of a beard. He only wore sweatpants.

Anxiously, he retreated. "I have to go," he said and wanted to run away, but the stranger grabbed him by the arm. He felt his hot breath in his neck.

"You smell so good."

A shiver ran down his back and he fidgeted in panic. One hand reached under his T-shirt and pulled it up. "Rosy nipples," said the man in a hot voice, then he licked over one.

Zack winced. He hated it, but he was too weak, he couldn't defend himself.

"Your smell is becoming more and more intense," the stranger whispered and shoved a hand into his pants.

"No, let me go!" Zack shouted and started to cry. He saw the stranger pulling down his own pants and his thing popped out. In a panic, Zack opened his eyes. "Rika! Rika save me!"

Suddenly, the man was pulled back. Two purple eyes appeared behind him and claws cut into his chest. Then Zack saw Rika bite the man's neck. He fought back, but the resistance quickly disappeared. After a few minutes, he slumped lifelessly forward. Behind him stood Rika, but she looked different. She had two black bat-like wings, a black tail with a leaf-shaped tail tip. Her eyes lit up red and two fangs protruded over her lips smeared with blood.

Zack had never felt such fear. Slowly Rika walked up to him, hugged him, and said, "It's all good, shhh, my baby. He can no longer hurt you. You're all right, I'm with you."

Zack cried and clawed his way into Rika's curly hair. At some point, he had fallen asleep from exhaustion. Kara had watched the whole thing. "Rika, we have to talk. Tomorrow." There was nothing more to say.

Rika sighed and carried Zack back to the room. That would cause trouble. But she would protect the little one.


That was the first part of the review of Zack's past.

What do you think about Zack?

Your Mouse Goddess

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