Chapter 21

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The approximately three-foot wide staircase meandered deep into the volcano. As the steps became brighter, Zack knew they had almost reached the end. They stepped through the passage and landed in a huge cave.

They had arrived at a big ledge. Zack carefully walked to the edge of the ledge and looked down. And that was also the reason why the cave was so brightly lit. At a depth of about three hundred feet, there was a lake of bright, red magma. He felt the heat only slightly. Great, we will get roasted here like a chicken on the grill. One wrong step and I get fried.

Lucan stayed close to Zack to be able to grab him just in case.

They looked around and discovered a small stone tablet at the western end. Together they approached it. Only now did they see the long stone slab that led to an island in the middle of the huge magma gulf. It was about three feet wide. Around them, numerous drops of the hot rock dripped down and disappeared into the glowing sea. Should they walk over these drops to the island? That's too easy, Zack thought. He took a step back and read the scriptures on the stone tablet.

"United this path should be taken, because without fire there are no embers."

Zack had a bad feeling in his gut, and he was right. He went to the stone slab and put one foot on it. Immediately it tipped to the side. You've got to be kidding me. The stone slab swayed back and forth until it had returned to its original position.

"Zackory. How in the world are we going to cross over this? Flying is not an option because the magma drops would immediately puncture my wings," Lucan said, looking at him questioningly.

His companion had just as crappy of a facial expressions as he did. "You have to balance."

Lucan thought again about the hint. 'United, this path should be taken.' You have to balance. Then he came up with an idea. He saw how Zack repeatedly put his foot on the plate and tipped it over. Carefully he approached his companion.


"What?" he asked, annoyed. That made Lucan smile. He had never seen this mood in him until now. It reminded him a bit of a defiant child.

"We have to go together," Lucan said.

Zack looked at him as if he was stupid. "Of course, the more weight, the faster we get sizzled. Excellent idea, Mr. Commander," he said with a sarcastic undertone.

Heaven, he is so cute. Lucan, concentrate. It wasn't the time to annoy Zack, even though he would like to. "Weight is the solution. If we step on the plate at the same time on both ends, the plate remains in balance. We have to walk this path together. Just as it says on the board."

Zack thought about it for a moment, then sighed. It didn't seem to be any other way. But in order for them to keep their balance, they had to hold on to each other. Physical contact with Lucan. A small shiver ran through Zack's body. They would get very close. With Zack's backpack, they were about the same weight.

"Good. We hold on to the forearms and at the same time walk with one step on the plate, then we simultaneously push our feet towards the island. Do everything I say on my command, okay?" Zack said and Lucan nodded in agreement.

Lucan saw Zack adjust his backpack and check all the fastenings again. Then Zack grabbed Lucan's forearms with both hands. The touch felt good. Carefully, he himself closed his hands around Zack's forearms. He felt his soft skin and the fine hairs that ran over his forearm. He wanted to nibble on them. Wrong time. He had to concentrate.

Zack gave the sign, then they both, respectively, put one foot on the left and right of the plate at the same time. The plate held, wobbling only slightly. Then they pulled the other foot on as well. Time to take a deep breath.

Zackory - a fateful touch (Vol. 2) ✅Where stories live. Discover now