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   They both landed in a spaceship in the middle of space (Duh!), but they were somehow separated. "I absolutely hate this." Said Sunny as she walked around the ship. She had absolutely no f*ck*ng idea where the f*ck Ice could be. But he was somewhere. Probably being a little demon. But then again, that's what Sunny was doing right now. She was something called an impostor (whatever that was!) and it meant that she could kill other people.

So, can you imagine what she was doing for the past hours or so? Yep, killing. But that isn't very surprising now is it? Anyways, Sunny was trying to find Ice right now. She had a sneaking suspicion he was hiding from her. Why? You can probably guess. She had been walking around for a while trying to find him. She had gone into vents to try and find him quicker, but she hadn't been able to find him or any clue that he was alive. Maybe Sunny had accidentally killed him. Oh well, he'd just have to wait until she either won the game or until the crewmates won the game. Which would probably take a while. RIP Ice I guess.

She walked around until she found a crewmate doing tasks in Electrical. She sabotaged the O2 to distract the others. She walked towards him, not checking who they were and sliced them in half before jumping in a vent and moving towards the security room. She jumped out of the vent and then looked towards the computer that was connected to all the cameras. No one was there, so she didn't have to kill anyone.

She exited the room, went to fix O2 and then went back towards Electrical to check if anyone was there, and if no one was, she'd report the body so she wouldn't look sus. Like Sans had. She smiled when she heard footsteps in Electrical and headed inside. She looked at who it said. "What the f*ck. This is where you were this whole time?!" Ice turned towards her and she immediately reported the body. "You b*tch!" She heard Ice yell before they all teleported towards the Cafeteria, or whatever the f*ck it was called.

Immediately, Sunny said. "Ice, mind explaining why you were next to a dead body?" Everyone who was still alive turned towards Ice. Sunny looked around the table and noted that there were about seven people left. Some also noticed this and looked quite surprised. Well, as surprised as you can be when you're a literal bean in a suit. "No, f*ck you. Blue sus." Said Ice, crossing his non-existent arms while pointing the middle finger.

Sunny gasped and said. "Gasp. You b*tch!" Everyone turned to look at Sunny and Ice said. "You're the bigger b*tch. How dare you report the body when I was going to explain." "Well, you can explain now, can't you?" She asked. There was a pause of silence before Cyan put their hand up and said. "Well I was-" "Shut the f*ck up." Said both Sunny and Ice at the same time. "My friend on Discord said it wa-" [Brown was ejected].

Sunny glared at Ice and said. "I misprise you." "Bruh." He said as he just looked at her. She stuck her tongue out and then said. "You suck at this." "Au contraire, mon ami, it is you who suck." Said Ice while pressing the Emergency Meeting Button. As soon as everyone had teleported back, Black said. "What is with you two? We literally just ended the previous meeting." Sunny made a shushing motion and said. "Nah, shut up." She then stood up on the table and walked towards Ice. There was a moment of silence before she took out a knife but then-

[Blue was ejected for Hacking] "Serves that b*tch well." Said Ice as he nodded, before being sent back to the lobby. He saw Sunny sitting on the ceiling and said. "What." She looked at him and said. "F*ck you." "F*ck you too ♡." He said with a cat smile. "Please never do that face again." Sunny said, looking rather like a bruh moment.

They looked at the laptop that normally changes the game settings which was glowing red. "Oh boy! Another portal!" They both said at the same time, one sarcastically (Cough cough, Sunny, cough cough) and one was actually happy (cough cough, Ice, cough cough). Sunny put her hand on the laptop and grabbed Ice's hand. "IF I'M GOING DOWN YOU'RE COMING WITH ME B*TCH." She yelled before they both got sucked into the portal.

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