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   Ice looked around and then heard Sunny yell. "I'M TOO HOT!" Ice snorted and Sunny yelled. "I didn't mean it that way and you f*ck*ng know it b*tch!" Ice rolled his eyes and looked around again. "So do you happen to know where we are?" Sunny asked. "I think we- Wait do you smell a large amount of cola or is it just me?" Ice replied with another question. "Yeah I do, but kinda funny because neither of us have noses." Sunny answered. They both nodded and knew where they were. The show called Eddsworld.

Ice decided it was probably a good idea to look for the main characters of the show. So they walked around the neighborhood until they found a familiar house. A couple of minutes later they were standing in front of the house. "Alright! Let's go in!" Sunny exclaimed, about to open the door. "Wait! We can't just walk in! It would be awkward as f*ck and they don't know us!" Ice stated, stating the statement that he stated. "M." Hummed Sunny as she slowly nodded.

Ice came up with a plan after a long time due to ADHD. "Alright let's do it!" Sunny said with determination. "How do you know what it is?" Ice replied with a question. "You sent me the storyboard for this chapter." Sunny said with a derp face. "Oh right." Ice replied back with an even derpier face.

They hid behind a fence, trying not to look sus, and waited. After about 10 minutes of playing imaginary Uno, they saw someone come out of the house. The two pretend to walk forward casually. When Edd (The main character of Eddsworld for those of you who don't know) comes close enough, Ice waved and said. "Hello there." (General Kenobi) "Hello to you too, are you new around here?" Edd questioned, waving back. "Errr... Yes actually. I'm looking for a rap (actually beep bop) battle companion." Said Ice.

Sunny made sure to hide her wings as best as she could, while she watched Ice talk to Edd. She hid Dialtown in her hoodie pocket so that no one would kidnap her precious child. "Soo, how would you like to have a little singing battle?" Ice asked. "Uh... Okay?" Edd agreed, confused. Sunny came out of nowhere to sit on the speakers which just... Existed, as soon as the singing began. Halfway through the battle the two got interrupted.

"Edd... What the giant *sshole lemon are you doing?" Asked Tom as he came out of nowhere and walked over. "Errrr... Singing?" Edd answered with a shrug. "Uh huh." Tom (Another main character of EW) said. "Anyways, you should probably come back in before Matt cries over being late for movie night again." He continued. "Alright, fine... Do you guys wanna come in for a drink or something?" Edd asked the two. Ice and Sunny nodded before following them inside. Ice got an Iced Tea (this is not ironic, Iced tea is my favorite drink. -IRL Ice) and Sunny got pure caffeine, it's not even a drink, it's just caffeine as an edible object. "Does anyone want food?" Edd asked.

"I haven't had food in forever! Also known as 5 chapters ago!" Said Ice. Sunny nodded and said. "I do not require sustenance, I merely consume some to blend in with you, puny mortals. On that note, yes, I will gladly take up your offer for sustenance." She smiled innocently. Edd nodded and walked away concerned. When he returned with Popatato Chisps, the two thanked him, one of them was casual, the other was formal. "So what are you two doing here, you said you haven't had food in a while." Edd asked before sipping cola. "Well very long story short, we fell down a portal that led us into different universes from our favorite games and fandoms, this one included." Answered Ice.

Sunny nodded and then Ice said. "I got stuck with this idiot of course." Sunny puffed her wings up in anger accidentally and said sarcastically. "I love you too." "So can we help you find a way home?" Edd offered. "Uh... Sure!" Ice said. "Edd! Why does one of my mirrors have a mustache?" Matt (Another EW main character) said coming down the stairs. Ice quietly laughed at this prank. "Tom! Matt! Come on, let's find a portal!" Edd called the rest down while opening the door. "Ugh, fine." Groaned Tom. "Yay! Adventure!" Matt exclaimed cheerfully.

A couple of seconds after the gang (now including Sunny and Ice along with the Bois) went outside and explored around the place for a while, they heard a familiar line. "Oh sh*t, here we go again." Mumbled Sunny with a mischievous grin. "EDUARDO." Edd said with a furious expression. A pluck theme played as it zoomed in on the neigh-BORES. "Where does that sound even come from?" Tom asked, staring in the sky. Everyone shrugged. Everyone except Sunny and Ice of course, who knew.

Ice smiled as he grabbed popcorn out of nowhere and sat down on air as he began eating the popcorn. He knew he would probably enjoy this fight. It would entertain him, for a while at least. Ice was so busy watching the fight, sitting on air, eating popcorn and feeding Salty some popcorn every now and then, that he didn't even notice Sunny walk away from them.

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