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   "You two don't look familiar, are you new here?" Tango asked the duo. "Yeah, we came from a portal because SOME *SSHOLE PUSHED US BOTH IN AND NOW WE'RE STUCK IN THE INFINITE F*CK*NG METAVERSE!" Sunny said slowly turning towards Ice who looked rather guilty but also kinda like he's having fun spending time with her and exploring places. "Well, if you're looking for a way out, might I suggest going to that weird house with the strange colors over there, I went through it once and my view got kinda weird, and that diamond house over there was somehow unlocked, which it never is!" Tango advised the two.

"Cool, what's inside?" Sunny asked while Ice was emoting in the background. "I don't know, I was too scared to go in, there has been a lot of rumors and speculation about that house." Tango informed. "Okay, Ice?" Sunny asked, turning to Ice. "Huh?" Ice turned to her. "We're going to investigate a weird house!" She said. After inverting the world, they slowly opened the door and peeked in. "Wow guess everythings normal." Ice said jokingly.

"Well if you count floating chairs and other furniture in the wall as normal, then yeah." They went in and examined the room. "Hey! I found something in the Bunker!" Ice said with his head sticking out the Alpha Bunker doorway. Sunny went in to see whatever b*llsh*t Ice found. "Look! You can go through this mirror!" Ice said to her. "Alright, you go in first!" Sunny said pointing to Ice. "Why me?!" Ice whined. "Because you wrote this chapter when I specifically said to wait till later." Sunny said, crossing her arms. "Sigh, fine." Ice said before going in the mirror, with Sunny following.

~One spooky ending later~

"..." They both stood in silence. "I-Ice?" Sunny said traumatized. "Yeah?" Ice replied. "T-The F*CK WAS THAT?!" Sunny yelled at him. "Good question, I don't know, I never finished this ending because I was too spooped by it." Ice said, trying to calm Sunny down by rubbing her arm. "Hey look! A-" Ice said before getting interrupted by Sunny grabbing Ice's hand and jumping into the portal, without even checking if it was actually a portal (it was, don't worry).

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