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   Sunny didn't fall asleep that night. Well, she thought it was night. But she wasn't entirely sure. Because of course, there was a blood red sky instead of the usual blue sky. She just wasn't able to. She had felt like something wrong was going to happen and her stupid weird bird instincts she got when she got the wings in the FNF world screamed at her to stay awake and protect her egg. So she did. Because, why not? And she probably wouldn't have slept anyway. Sunny didn't sleep often, preferring to stay awake all night and also stay awake during the day. This was probably a very unhealthy thing to do. But Sunny didn't care.

Dialtown wiggled a bit and Sunny laughed quietly as she poked it. "Are you going to hatch soon?" She asked quietly, as to not wake Ice up. Dialtown wiggled again and Sunny stretched her wings out. She rested her back against a wall and let her pure black wings droop down until they were laying on the ground. She looked up at the ceiling and then back down at Dialtown. "I wonder what you look like inside there." She muttered.

Sunny looked at Ice and then looked away quickly after. She wasn't sure because she was 80% God, but she was pretty sure that it was weird to watch other people sleep. So she decided to not watch Ice sleep, and instead... She didn't know what to do instead. So, as anyone mentally sane would do in a world where the chances of you dying are 90%, she went towards the door they boarded up, took the boards off, left the room, and then boarded the door again from the outside. She hoped this would be good enough to keep Ice safe while she was gone for who knows how long. Sunny would probably mindlessly walk around until she finally decided to go back.

Sunny walked through the alley that led to the door before finding a fire escape and climbing it, being careful to not drop Dialtown. Once on the roof, she looked around the place. The view was okay. Not the greatest, but it was okay. Sunny took her hoodie off and made a sort of baby carrier with it. She put Dialtown in it and then made sure it was tight enough so that the egg wouldn't fall, or that her hoodie wouldn't suddenly untangle itself and drop, making Dialtown also fall in the process. Sunny didn't know how strong her egg was, she knew she could lay down on it, but she didn't want to risk it too much.

Sunny didn't know much about this world. But she saw a few videos with Ice, and what she saw was... Violent. To say the least. She made sure that her guns were loaded and that they were ready to shoot someone quickly. Then she walked along the roof, making sure to quickly paint a giant blue X on the roof of the building she had just climbed on so she knew where their temporary shelter was. Because she would probably somehow get lost.


Sunny ran through the streets and looked back. She took her smaller gun in her right hand and shot the person chasing her. She also shot the two other people who were shooting her, before turning a corner and ending up in an alley. It didn't look like the alley she and Ice had gone through, but there was a fire escape. So at least she could get on a roof and find the X again.

She didn't even realize that she had been shot. Sunny ran from roof to roof until she finally found the X again. She jumped down into the alley, using her wings to make sure her fall was slower and that she wouldn't get hurt. She then walked towards the boarded door, took the boards off, went back inside and boarded the door once more. She then went over to the mirror to see if she had been hurt, without noticing it.

She noticed the bleeding coming from her left wing and winced. That was probably not good. She sat down and brought her left wing closer to her face. She then quickly pulled the bullet out and untied the sling she had made. She placed Dialtown next to her on the ground and then used one of her hoodie's sleeves to wipe the blood off. She just had to hope the wound wouldn't get infected. Her immune system was very strong anyway, so it wasn't very likely.

Afterwards, she got back up and tied her hoodie around her waist. She'd put it back on later. It was annoyingly hard to take her hoodie off and put it on because of her wings that she now had. I mean, she could do it, it was just hard and annoying. And it would probably at least hurt a little now that her left wing had been shot. But she had also not felt it happen and felt fine when she basically flew down earlier. So she should be fine.

"Why the f*ck is your wing bleeding?" Asked Ice from behind her. Sunny jumped and her soul (did she even have one?) almost left her body. She quickly turned around and smiled innocently at Ice. "Whatever do you mean?" She asked. "I can literally see it." He said with a deadpan. Sunny looked quickly over at her left wing, who was still outstretched before tucking it back behind her back. "I don't know what you're talking about." She lied. Ice narrowed his eyes at her and then said. "Also, mind explaining why the boards have moved places from when we first put them up?"

Sunny sweated and then said. "Um." There was a pause of silence, and then Sunny said. "No, f*ck you." Ice looked at her and then said. "You should be glad that you didn't die out there." Sunny shrugged and said. "I can't die." "Bold statement." Said Ice. There was another pause of silence, and then they both heard a cracking noise. Sunny looked down excitedly and saw that there was a small crack in Dialtown's shell. Sunny squealed while Ice just said. "This is probably the literal worst time to hatch."

Sunny turned towards him and glared. "Shut up." She said as she suddenly looked back down. She crouched and poked Dialtown's shell. "They're hatching!" She exclaimed cheerfully. "I'm not blind, I can literally see that." Said Ice with a deadpan. "Man, shut up." Said Sunny. There was another crack, and another, until finally, the whole shell just sort of, fell off.

Sunny grinned and looked at the little creature. "It's a frog thing!" She yelled cheerfully. "What the f*ck is a 'frog thing'?" Asked Ice, extremely confused. Sunny picked Dialtown up and then examined them more closely. It seemed to have the body of a frog, except it was flat at the bottom and it had literally no legs. It had a little tail and a small sprout grew from in between it's eyes. It had large round eyes and had two arms. It also had a wave sort of pattern on the lower half of its body. And talking about the body... "Why the f*ck is it blue?" Asked Ice. Sunny shrugged and said. "How the f*ck should I know?"

"YOU BIR-" Started Ice before Sunny quickly said. "Don't finish that." Ice shrugged and then Sunny said. "I wonder what it's gender is. Because I don't want to keep calling it, well, you know, 'it'." Ice said. "F*ck gender." (Accurate -IRL Ice) Sunny looked at him and said. "Normally, I would somewhat agree, but, I would seriously like to know." Suddenly, Dialtown said. "Girl." "WHAT THE F*CK." Yelled Ice. "HOLY SH*T." Yelled Sunny. "IT SPEAKS!" Continued Sunny.

Ice looked extremely confused and disturbed. Meanwhile Sunny just smiled and said. "Well, at least we know her gender now." "Can it... I mean she, say other stuff?" Asked Ice. "F*ck if I know." Said Sunny as she shrugged and took the little paper mask. She gave it to Dialtown, who picked it up and placed it on her back. "Now, what the f*ck do we do?" Asked Sunny as she stood up, put Dialtown on her shoulder, placed her hands on her hip, kept her wings hidden and looked at Ice.

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