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   Ice asked Queen what she wanted. "Idk Why Do You Wanna Know?" Queen replied and once again sipped her Battery Acid. "Because We Kinda Need To Explain To My Friends What To Do Here." Ice said, pointing to the two who were just playing Uno in the background. "Well You Would Be Too Stupid To Understand, Unlike Me, A Computer, AKA Smart." Queen said.

"Actually I'm A Computer Too Lmao." Ice said. "Oh, Lmao, Then I'm Just Trying To Make People Happpy I Guess IDK." Queen said. "Okay, So, Wanna Fight?" Ice asked. "No LMAO, I Would Kick: Your Ass, Anyway, See You A Couple Rooms Later!" Queen said sliding sideways off screen. "Alright, Let's Go." Ice said to the two. After a bit of Deltarune Gameplay Later. . .

The three had to split up. "I'll Go On My Own." Ice said. "Alright, let's go." Said Sunny, grabbing Dogcheck's arm and choosing the north path. Ice went on to meet Queen again. "Oh. LMAO, You're Here." The two said at the same time. "What Are You Doing Here?" Ice asked. "Looking For Your Gi-" Queen was about to say before getting interrupted by Ice saying: "She's Not, But I Kinda Expected Someone To Think That Eventually, And With You Being The Internet As A Person, Kinda Fits.". "Hey So Wanna Drive Around Looking For Her?" Queen asked. "Yeah, But Why Do You Want Her?" Ice asked.

"To Show Her My Mobile Game Collection, Also Might Turn Her Face Into A Robot, Seems Cool." Queen replied. "Alright, Now Get In The Car." Queen followed. The two got into a random car. "I Like You, You Have No Opinions." Queen discussed. "Good Talk, Queen." Ice replied. "STOP EVERYTHING!" Queen said leaning out the window. "Ice, Get. That. F*cking. BANANA!" Queen said dramatically. Ice went into max speed. "GET IT! GEEET IT!! GETT THE BANANA!!!" Queen screamed, freaking out. When Ice ran into the Banana. Queen held it, visibly happy. "Potassium." the two said. After a moment of silent driving, they reached about 2945 cars. "Oh My Circuits, It's A Traffic Jam, Can You Deal With This?" Queen asked.

Ice went out to hit the button to get rid of traffic on the other side of the traffic jam. When he went on the path to get there, he saw a dumpster open. "Oh, Joy." Ice said, rolling his non visible eyes. "HEY EVE-" A Voice said before Ice threw 420 D$ (Kromer) in the dumpster and closed it. "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SPECIL [Generous Donation]" the muffled voice said from inside.

Ice moved on and pressed the traffic clearing button (we need these IRL, Elon get on that please -IRL Ice) (But like, won't that kill everyone in the cars?? -IRL Sunny) to clear all the cars. Queen drove towards Ice and said "Get In Loser, We Are Finding Your-" "Stop." Ice said "Ooookay Then, I Shall Call Her Fellow Mobile Gamer From Now On." Queen said, shrugging enthusiastically. "Wait A 1000ms Ping, Get Out Of The Car." Queen got out of the car. Meanwhile Ice just threw himself out the front window. The Car then exploded, using a crappy .gif of an explosion. "Surprised It Lasted That Long." They both said.

"Oh hey there they are." A voice was heard from far away. "Oh Hey LMAO!" Ice and Queen said. "Why were you two in a car together?" Dogcheck asked. Queen held up a spinning floating banana. "Potassium." The two said. "M yes, potassium." Said Sunny as she nodded. Dogcheck looked at them all with concern and muttered something under her breath. Sadly, Ice wasn't able to hear what the f*ck Dogcheck had just said.

"So Do You Guys Want A Free Tour Of My Mansion?" Queen asked, somehow summoning her hoverchair. The three looked at each other with lenny faces, also known as ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). "Yes. Yes I would indeed quite love to have a tour of you giant *ss house." Said Sunny. Dialtown then added. "Dat would be very koind ove ya to g'iv us a tour, innit bruv." "What the f*ck are you even saying?!" Asked Sunny, very concerned for her child. Ice threw Salty at Sunny, it just bounced off like a extra squishy dodgeball. "Wow, Reminds Me Of That One Small Round Bouncy Child I Met In Another Timeline Or Something." Said Queen.

After a decently long walk, "Here Are Your Rooms, I Based Them Off Your Search History!" Queen said, walking over to the end of a really long hallway. Sunny looked really nervous, but Ice looked traumatized and broken, his tail even stood straight up. Dogcheck looked happy that she got her own room based on her. The three checked their rooms out respectively.

Ice's room had... It's best not to say, there were a lot of bananas, but that's the most SFW thing in there... Sunny's room had a lot of cringe stuff, and a bunch of eggs and frogs, none of them are real though, they're just holograms. Dogcheck's room had a lot of Pizza for some reason, and a f*cking huge Libary. After a bit of checking out their rooms, the gang decided to explore on their own. Ice had fun... Doing stuff... With Tasque Manager. Sunny broke, like, a lot of pots, and got in trouble. Finally, Dogcheck stared at a .gif of a Dark Fountain being made for about 30 minutes straight.

When they were done, they met up at the entrance. "Ice... Why are you..." Sunny asked "THAT'S A STORY FOR ANOTHER 24 HOURS!" Ice replied quickly. "I'm putting a timer b*tch." Said Sunny. "Also, Dogcheck your eyes look terrible." Sunny added. "I like staring at bright lights for extended periods of time." Dogcheck replied. "Oh pog, same." Said Sunny as she smiled and nodded. Dogcheck smiled too and proceeded to nod.

So as of now, Ice's Horns are now out, permanently, instead of when violence is going to happen, and he has a more... Damp... Color scheme, and his hoodie now had a pattern. Sunny now has sore feet from kicking any pots in sight And Dogcheck's eyesight was f*cked. Sunny looked at Ice's horns and decided to poke one. "Ew." She said as she brought her finger back and wiped it off on Ice's hoodie. "HEY! Don't Wipe It On My Hoodie!" Yelled Ice. "Well it was your hair c*m!" Yelled Sunny as she crossed her arms and Dialtown chirped in agreement. "IT'S NOT C*M!" Yelled Ice. Dogcheck just slowly started backing away and muttered. "They need therapy..."

"NO WE DON'T!" Yelled both Sunny and Ice at the same time. "I beg to differ." Said Dialtown. "Traitor!" Exclaimed Sunny as she put her hand up to her forehead dramatically. "If I went to therapy, I would lose all my good jokes!" Whined Sunny. "And they would tell me to stop playing mobile games! Probably." She added. Queen just sipped her battery acid, and then said to Sunny. "Do My Audio Devices Hear Mobile Games?" Sunny basically teleported to her and said. "Yes." 

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