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   Sunny sighed as she got up and helped Ice up. "Come on, let's go find out where we are now." Said Sunny with a smile. Ice's tail went from side to side slowly and then he said. "Okay." Sunny frowned and Ice asked. "Why are you... Um... Mad?" Sunny laughed and said. "I was going to throw this on you, to give you character development, but you just seemed to get some either way. I wonder who I should give it to now..."

Ice stared at her and asked. "You were going to dr*g me?!" "No!" Yelled Sunny. "Bruh, this isn't even dr*gs! It's a potion!" "Literally could be the same thing." Said Ice as he raised an eyebrow. Sunny rolled her eyes and scoffed. "No it isn't." She said. "Kind of is." "Ye" "Lol" "Haha" "Sunny dr*gs Ice! NOT CLICKBAIT!!!😱😱😱" Said her Chat. Sunny sighed and then said. "Anyways-" "You could still give me it!" Suggested Ice.

Sunny looked at him unimpressed and then said. "No. Never." Ice made a sad noise and Sunny then said. "Maybe I could use it to get one of my other eggs back!" "NO!" Yelled Ice, but he was sadly, too late. Sunny made Dialtown drink half of the potion, and suddenly, an egg appeared in Sunny's arms. She put the potion away in her hoodie pocket, which was an interdimensional storage system. Don't ask. And she hugged the egg. "I'm naming you Hound!" She exclaimed cheerfully as she gave it a kiss on the top of its shell.

"What if it's a girl?" Asked Ice. "F*ck that! Its name is Hound!" Declared Sunny. Dialtown chirped and nodded. Salty also chirped. Ice sighed and then they both heard someone say. "Um... Hello." Sunny turned around and saw a girl that had bangs covering her eyes. She had an ahoge and a ponytail. She had long hair and wore a hoodie. "Hello!" Said Sunny cheerfully. "Who are you?" Asked Ice, narrowing his eyes.

"My name is Error, and um... I've been going to different games... Can you help me?" Sunny gasped and said. "You too?! Ice!" "Yes?" Said Ice, uninterested. "We're not the only dumb*sses who got stuck going to different worlds!" Exclaimed Sunny cheerfully. "Language." Said Error. Sunny gasped again and said. "You're one of those people? Don't worry, you'll get used to our swearing, especially since you're coming with us now!" Ice smiled and nodded.

Sunny then asked. "Okay, so what world are we in?" Ice shrugged and Error said. "Oh! I know!" Sunny smiled and looked at her. "Where are we then?" She asked. Ice answered that himself. "deltarune!" "Pog." Said Sunny. Error looked confused and asked. "Pog?" "Yeah, it's like, another, better and more modern way to say 'cool'." Said Sunny. "And bonus, the face it makes is cool." She added as she showed Error a picture of her in the pog pose (I drew Sunny pogging at 3am, I need help -IRL Ice) (Lol -IRL Sunny). "It's a trewly beau'iful drawin', innit?" Chirped Dialtown from on Sunny's shoulder.

Error nodded slowly, slightly concerned. She then heard Sunny mutter. "My next egg will be named after the game it hatches in." She looked at Sunny with even more concern and Ice slapped her on the back of her head. "You're not getting your third egg back. I'm making it into scrambled eggs as soon as it materializes near me." He said. Sunny gasped and stuck her tongue out at him before blowing a raspberry. "No you won't you b*tch!" She yelled as she hugged Hound thighter. Ice looked at her smugly twirling a random gun and said. "We'll see."

"Okay then... How about we find the portal?" Suggested Error. "You're the one who knows the most about this place, Ice, lead the way!" Said Sunny as she looked at Ice. A pop up... Popped up at the bottom of everyone's screen saying {SUNNY and Dogcheck joined the party!}. It stayed there for about 9 seconds, while a fanfare played in the background. "Lol" "What the f*ck" "Error name be weird." Said Chat. "Where did that noise come from? And why is my name... Dogcheck?" The new companion said.

"Don't question the noise, and Dogcheck is a screen used in UNDERTALE and deltarune that has Toby Fox sleeping or dancing when you try to hack into a room that you're not supposed to, or doesn't exist. I have had my encounters with Dogcheck myself." Ice explained. The two just stared blankly at him explaining. "You have no clue what I am talking about, do you?" Ice followed. The two nodded. "Sigh, whatever, follow me." Ice followed once again.

"Okay so just jump into this closet." Ice explained again. "M." Sunny said. "M?" Dogcheck (calling her that from now on) asked. "M." Sunny and Ice said. "Okay?" Dogcheck said confused. "Okay, One! Two! Eleven! THREE!" Ice said while the three jumped down into a closet. When they landed. They looked at each other. "Oh cool, we look cooler now." Sunny said looking at her new clothes. "Yeah Which Is Gonna Be A Pain In The Ass To Draw Later." Ice explained, who was sounding like a computer for whatever reason. "Who said IRL Sunny and IRL Ice would draw us in these costumes?" Said Sunny, raising an eyebrow.

"WAIT. WHERE'S HOUND?!" Yelled Sunny as she looked around, before stuffing her hand into her pocket and finding Hound. "Oh, nevermind." She said as she patted Hound on the top of its shell. "That's Weird (Strange), I'm Supposed To Get All The Items, or Maybe The Egg Is The Only Thing That Doesn't Turn Into A Ball Of Junk, Eh I Don't Know." Ice said confusing the sh*t out of everyone even more. Sunny hissed at him and clutched Hound even tighter. "What is she doing?" Asked Error. "Turning into a p*ssy." Explained Ice. Sunny stopped hissing and yelled. "F*CK YOU!" Ice just smiled smugly.

"B*tch" "Haha furry Sunny go brrr" "Hiss." Said Chat. Sunny glared at Ice and then Ice shoved a huge stick of gum into Sunny's free hand. She looked at it and smiled. She then shoved it into her mouth and started chewing. "That Should Keep Her Busy For A While." Said Ice. "How come?" Asked Error, or Dogcheck. "She's Addicted To Gum. Like She Says, It Is Definitely Not Healthy The Amount Of Gum She Eats Per Day, And I Have 0 Clue If Gum Has Potassium LMAO." Said Ice as he shrugged and red text appeared saying "LMAO". Sunny hummed. "Depends what gum it is." Said Sunny, midchew.

"Ah, I see. Anyways, shall we proceed?" Said Dogcheck. Ice started thinking about that last word. Sunny and Dogcheck just stared at each other until Ice just started walking to wherever they needed to go. They eventually got to a couple of characters with long limbs, and their faces being covered by wires. "Okay, I'm Gonna Have To Demonstrate How To Kick People's Asses" Ice said, facing the team. Sunny shrugged and said. "We already did that to you, remember Mario Kart? You literally got beat by a f*ck*ng egg." Said Sunny with a smug smile. Dialtown chirped and Ice glared at them. "We do not speak of Mario Kart. What happened in Mario Kart, Stays In Mario Kart." Said Ice. "oof" "No, I wanna know." "Same" "What happened in Mario Kart?" "Lol, Ice got his *ss beat!" Said Chat,

"Anyway, I Will Teach You How To Kick: *ss." Ice said, before explaining to Sunny and Dogcheck how Battles work. "Wait... Why do we have to do what you say?" Sunny asked angrily. "Because 1: I Am A Gamer, 2: I'm The Leader According to The Lore, 3: I Know What To Do." Ice explained. "Fine... What do we do?" Sunny asked, disappointed. "Throw Me." Ice said. "Oh f*ck yeah!" Sunny exclaimed, grabbing Ice and throwing him at the enemies. Ice cut the wires that were controlling the peaceful enemies and they we're spared.

"Aww... I wanted to kill things." Sunny said, looking sad. They then heard laughter coming from below them coming higher and higher. "Hell Of A Study Session." The character said. "Who are you, and why do you talk like him?" Dogcheck asked, pointing at Ice. "I Am Known As Serial Number Q5U4EX7YY2E9N, However You Simpletons May Call Me..." Serial Number Q5U4EX7YY2E9N said before sipping her All Ages Appropriate Battery Acid Beverage. "Queen." Queen said in a cocky manner.

Sunny looked at Queen and then asked. "Can I have some?" "No LMAO" "Aw." Whined Sunny. There was silence for a moment before Sunny asked. "Do you have games on your phone?" "Yeah, I Only Play Mobile Games, Angry Birds For The Win Motherf*ck*r." Queen said pulling out Angry Birds. "Pog." Said Sunny as she nodded in approval. Sunny then made grabby hands for the phone and Ice told her to f*ck off. "B*tch. Still salty about losing to a f*ck*ng egg." Muttered Sunny. Ice slapped her on the back of the head and she bit him again.

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