Behind the scenes

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It is I, SunnyFoxHeart, the one who single handedly writes the longest chapters of this whole story. And who also draws some scenes. And corrects all the stupid mistakes Ice makes. And who does a lot honestly. Anyways, this is another behind the scenes.

-All hope for our backs are officially lost now btw -Sunny

-"My *ss hurts!" -Ice (He has joined the *ss hurts club -Sunny) (I did a while ago tbh -Ice)

-After writing the current longest chapter as of writing this (aka, the one where Dialtown (my beloved child) hatches), I went around and noted all the parts I would draw. I like, comment on them to help me remember and so I know what category it is in. So, I wrote 'random' for all three of the ones I chose, and since I was so tired and was writing too quickly (I write very quickly), this is how each random came out: "Rnaodom" "Rnadom" and "Rndamo". -Sunny

-Ice is an absolute *sshole and that's a fact -Sunny

-During like, half of these chapters, we started doing them on a Discord call because we wanted to continue even after school. -Sunny

-I sometimes watched Ice's videos whenever I was bored. (be lucky i don't hate you -Ice) -Sunny

-"F*ck the murder inn" -Both Sunny and Ice

-He is holding me at nerf-gunpoint help he's forcing me to draw I am not okay -Sunny

-"I'm a sneaky little sh*t" -Sunny

-OKAY NOW GO DRAW OR YOU GET THE PEW PEW -Ice about 5 seconds ago.

-"I'm 80% God lol" -Sunny (that became my excuse for like, everything I can't explain about myself. Like the fact I'm like never cold, and that my immune system is using cheats or is hacking or whatever. Seriously, I mean, how the f*ck have I not been tested for Covid yet?)

-I listened to Touch-tone telephone a lot while I was writing most chapters and drawing :D -Sunny

-My favorite chapter was of course, 16. Because I got to watch my comfort streamer Ranboo's video to check any info needed. -Sunny

Ice is taking over now

-The songs I listen to while writing are atsuover's "Good Enough" and "Ms Mediocre". Cuz it's a bop and it helps me get motivation. (Good Enough is very dope -Sunny)

-FNF was gonna be a fanfic part but I knew Sunny was gonna get pissed so I scraped it.

-The Nerf gun I am currently holding her at is the Nerf Disruptor, which I am vibing to the songs previously mentioned to at the moment.

-Don't lick Nintendo Switch Game Cartridges, ESPECIALLY Captain Toad Treasure Tracker, they taste f*cking awful. (I can imagine bruh -Sunny)

-My drawing application is Medibang Paint Pro which is free on almost any platform including mobile.

-The forg (My spelling quirk of Frog) was planned since Chapter 8..I think. (Yeah, around that time, it's called a Floom btw idiot -Sunny)

-Chapter 18 is my favorite one so far despite being surprisingly short, with Chapter 3 being second.

-Sunny is 80% God, 10% Caffeine, 5% Epic Gamerness, the rest will be determined in the future until we get to 0.001%, where we will never explain it.

-I'm currently spending 2 minutes per fact trying to write more because I feel bad for Sunny writing like 99% of it.


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