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   Ice was playing Deltarune (as usual) and after a while, he heard a voice. "Want some penis enlargement pills?" Dogcheck just looked at her with a very concerned look. "AAAAAAAH." Ice screamed and threw whatever was in his pocket. He then threw the Cat-Computer-Hybrid thing he got at Sunny. Naturally her face got scratched as cats do.

After pulling the Catputer (haha pun go brrr), Sunny gave it back to Ice. "Why did you say that?" Dogcheck asked. "It was a funny video Ice saw on the Internet." Sunny explained. "Good Catputer, have some battery acid." Ice said, giving the Robot Cat some battery acid. "Well, good to know it's not dead!" Sunny said while trying to heal the scratch marks. "Have you given the creature a name yet?" Dogcheck asked. "Hmm, I shall title thee.. 1C3! Pronounced One-Sea-Three." Ice said, holding the newly named creature in the air.

"That name makes no sense." Sunny stated. "It's literally my name but I replaced possible letters with numbers." Ice replied with a deadpan. "That's so lazy and unoriginal. . . I'm proud!" Sunny said. Dogcheck just stood there, concerned and confused, as usual. "Anyway, how do we get out of here?" Ice asked. "The easiest way possible would most likely be to search around and look for a red glow, then Ice can ignite the portal." Dogcheck stated. The other two were already off, then Dogcheck sighed and followed.

The three walked around, looking at all the AUs that exist. Ice spotted one that he ran into, then ran out immediately. "What's in that one?" Sunny asked. "Most I'll give you is a fanfic made by a cringey 15 year old who just discovered Wattpad and made the main characters of a fandom f*ck each other." Ice said. Sunny shuddered and walked away.

The three looked at more AUs, then they found one that looked more interesting than the others. "Hey, this one looks... Empty, is this... Home?" Sunny said about to walk into the AU Portal. Ice and Dogcheck pulled her back. "Hey? Don't you want to go home?" Sunny asked. "If we go there via an AU Portal, then the whole multiverse will collapse and eventually so will that one." Ice explained. "How do you know that?" Sunny asked. "Dogcheck explained to me a lot while we were in Animal Crossing, kinda like school, except slightly more useful." Ice replied. Dogcheck looked proud and embarrassed at the same time. "Alright... Fine." Sunny said disappointingly while walking away.

After an average gaming session (specifically 30 minutes that felt like 5 minutes). They found a portal that was bigger than the others. Sunny tried peeking her head in, but it didn't work. "Hey I think this is it!" Sunny proclaimed. "Say no more." Ice said. He then somehow summoned a red fireball (hehe ball) from his tail and threw it at the portal. After an epic anime cutscene, the portal opened. "Last one there has to pay rent!" Sunny said, jumping into it. "We pay rent?" Ice asked. "Why would I be the one to know?" Dogcheck asked. Ice shrugged and jumped into the portal, with Dogcheck following.

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