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   Ice listened to Sunny as she talked about extremely random sh*t. He had zoned out a while ago. Sunny poked his shoulder to check that he was still alive and he shook his head. "What?" He asked. Sunny huffed madly and then said. "I asked you a question." "What was it?" Asked Ice, as he laid on the ground of their temporary shelter. He had been trying to figure out a way to leave this building without Sunny getting killed. The worst part, Sunny would probably not even realize that she had been fatally injured.

Dialtown chirped from Sunny's shoulder. Sunny sat down and started cleaning her left wing. Also making sure that it wasn't infected. "I asked you if you like laying down in freshly dried clothing. Let me remind you, this type of clothing is very warm and comfy." She said. (Actual thing I was asked about 10 minutes ago from now -IRL Ice) Ice quickly said. "What the f*ck type of question is that?!" Sunny shrugged and Dialtown chirped again. "I am literally here trying to figure out how to leave this place with you alive, and you're here asking dumb*ss question!" He exclaimed as he sat up.

Sunny hummed and said. "I'll survive." The two looked at each other (three, if you counted Dialtown of course) and eventually Sunny blurted out. "Probably." Ice rolled his eyes and then Sunny said. "Anyways..." Ice zoned out again and lay back down. He shot back up when he heard Sunny say a very weird thing. "-Egg laying!" She finished. "What the f*ck are you talking about. And please, stop calling it that. Humans do not simply, lay eggs. They give birth." Sunny looked at him and then said. "Egg laying is still egg laying, even though it's from a human."

Ice stuck his tongue out in disgust and said. "I hate it here." Sunny smiled and shrugged. "Well, I find it quite nice. I only got shot once! Compared to back at home..." There was an awkward silence before Sunny clapped her hands and then stood up. "Okay! So, how are we gonna leave this world?" She asked. Ice stood up and said. "So, we want to..."


"This... Isn't the plan." Said Ice, as he looked at Sunny, who was covered in blood. Not hers though. Dialtown started licking at the blood on Sunny's right shoulder, and then licking the blood that had ended up on her. Ice stared in disgust and then Sunny said. "Well, we still managed to make it here, didn't we?" Ice rolled his eyes and put his gun away. "I guess we did. But still, whatever you did wasn't the plan!" He exclaimed.

Sunny huffed before crossing her arms. "Well, I'll let you know that I forgot the plan midway through that and decided to improvise!" "You suck at improvising and you know it! Do you remember your notes in improv at school?!" Yelled Ice as he looked at the portal through the corner of his eye.

Sunny looked like she was about to throw a rude comment at him, before she looked down sadly. There was a short moment of silence before Ice asked. "What the f*ck is wrong?" Sunny uncrossed her arms and let them fall to her sides. "Well... How long have we been here, hour wise? Like, did time just completely stop when we entered the first portal at school, or are my friends-" "You have other friends that aren't me?" Cut in Ice. "YES I DO! Now shut up and let me finish!" Yelled Sunny. "Anyways, as I was saying, before someone interrupted me..." Said Sunny as she looked up and glared at Ice, before looking back down.

"So, are my friends and family looking for me? For us?" She asked. Ice just shrugged and said. "Eh, probably not. For me that is." Sunny looked up at him before walking to the portal. "Okay, enough with this sad sh*t. The sooner we're done, the sooner we get back home and find out the answer to my question." She said as she took Dialtown in her hands and jumped into the portal, with Ice following after her quickly.

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