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   Error skimmed through their outfits. The higher Gods had allowed them to go and guide the humans. For some reason, Error felt like they knew the humans, but they didn't know why they got that feeling. Mostly because how would they know them if they were literally a God? Maybe it was before they were a full God. Some Gods were turned into Gods, and some were just born Gods. Error was one of the ones who was turned into a God.

Maybe Error met the two chaotic humans when they were still a human instead of a God. It was also possible that Error had met the girl human before since she had a God mask. Of course, it was a paper mask, but still. All Gods wore face-covering masks. It was just a thing they did. Error didn't know why, of course, but they didn't mind. Error would of course not be wearing their mask in their human form, but they had let their bangs grow and so, their eyes would be covered at least. Error would still be able to see of course, but the humans wouldn't be able to see Error's eyes from under their bangs.

Error sighed as they finally picked one and dragged a tab towards them. "Let's see..." They muttered as they pressed something and suddenly, their mask, horns, wings and tail were gone. Error looked at themselves in the nearest mirror and nodded. They looked like a human. They sighed, what would've happened if they had never become a God? Of course, they probably would have stayed with their childhood friends, but Error sadly got separated from them when she became a God. Maybe she'd find them again now that she was allowed to go back to earth to guide the humans.

Error heard a ding and accepted the call from Phoenix. "Hey." Said Phoenix. Error smiled and Phoenix said. "You look weird without your mask." "Wow, thanks for being so nice." Said Error as they rolled their eyes. Phoenix giggled and then said. "Well then, I just wanted to say, good luck. Bye now." And the call ended. Error sighed. Phoenix was very bad at stuff like this. But it was still kind of them to try. Error smiled and then opened the portal that would bring her to the world the humans were currently on.

They looked back at their 'home' and sighed. "I'll be back soon." Said Error as they stepped through the portal, and everything started going black for them. They had to make sure the humans didn't die. It would be devastating for the whole universe. And possibly the multiverse. 

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