8. Serah

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I was silent

I didn't know how to respond to that, I hadn't made a friend in years. I didn't plan on having one any time soon

To think the CEO of D&G wanted to be friends with me, it came totally as a surprise

Why would he want to be my friend, of all people

"I ..."

"Chill" he said "you're very interesting and smart... I like smart people" he smiled "so I won't take no for an answer" he finished before he got out of the car

I looked at him deep in thought, I didn't want to think about it too much but-

Just go with the flow

I don't know, I didn't want whatever was coming to turn out in any of us falling for-

He knocked on the glass window, I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and exited the car

"You zone out too much Serah" he shook his head

We both walked in the streets of Merlin, we passed the supermarket shop and continued walking past shops, saloons etcetera etcetera

Noise of a crowd welcomed us as we entered the mall

We wasted no time going to the steps me leading the way, we reached the top and turned left

"How long have you known this shop?" Darren asked

"All my life" I said

I always came and still here with my mother for shopping, I practically know all the shops in here

We soon reached the shop which had Blue Quality fabrics written on the top of the door in bold stylish letters

"Here we are" I said

"After you" Darren gestured me to enter

I smiled as I shook my head

"Welcome to Blue Quality fabrics" a sales lady welcomed us "how can we help you"

From the looks of things, the lady hadn't recognized Darren, actually neither did any of the people here

Good start if you ask me

Yet again, I doubt if everyone bought the K7,000 magazines that were sold around here so recognizing my boss was reduced to thirty percent

"A meter ndi bwanji nsalu" Darren said
[How much is a one meter fabric?]

"Ma 1 meter ndi K6000
[A meter is K6000 each]

"Eh yonseyo" he smiled at the sales lady causing me to look at him with furrowed eyebrows
[ Eh all of that?]

Was this man about to start bargaining? He was willing to give any amount a few hours ago

"K5500 mukhoza kutenga" the lady smiled
[You can take at K5500]

"Eh yachuluka boss, ndikufunatu nsalu 50 nde discount bwanji"
[Eh it's too much, I want 50 fabrics so how about a discount]

"5000 last"

"Bola pamenepo"
[That's better]

"Ma colors anji" the lady asked
[Which colors]

"White 10, black 10, grey 10, navy blue 10, nude color 10. 2 meters"

"Okay okay" the lady said before she disappeared to a back door behind the counter

I looked at him as if he had grown two heads while he was busy looking around touching some of the fabric material

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