10. Third

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All the three men turned to the source of the voice and found Stanley standing a few feet from them

"Father" they said in unison as they stood up

"Good evening boys" Stanley greeted as he walked in

"Good evening"
"Good evening"

The three sat down as Stanley joined them sitting next to Mason

"How was your flight?" he asked


"Great great" Stanley muttered

Silence sipped in as the three sons sat deep in their heads trying to figure out why their father had called them

Leaving the women gave off a signal that it was rather a serious matter they had to discuss

Stanley watched his sons torture themselves with brainstorming as they looked in open space waiting for him to speak

Well he wasn't going to give them the benefit of doubt, he planned on ripping the bandage off right away

He didn't want to waste anymore time or beat around the the bush any longer

"Your birthday is coming up" he started

"Yes" Garrel nodded

The person with the closest birthday in the room there was Garrel which had made him to respond right away

"Thirty ...is it?" Stanley eyed his son

Garrel sighed, he hoped his questions weren't heading to the topic he very much avoided

"Yes Thirty" he answered

"Good good" Stanley muttered

"Your brother here" Stanley put his hand on Mason's shoulder "he's 27 with a fam-"

"Father" Garrel cut him

"You know well not to disturb me when I'm talking Garrel" Stanley looked at his son his face turning impassive

"Now, you're growing old ...it's high time you get yourself a woman to share the empire you're building"

Not this again Darren rolled his eyes

"I have consistently told you to get yourself a family numerous times but you have turned a blind ear to it all, I need a married man to run my company and Mason is very busy with his part" he looked at Garrel and sighed "I'm giving you a month ...find yourself a woman-"

"Look why are you so concerned about this, I told you I'm not interested" Garrel stated

"Your stubbornness will not get us anywhere"

Garrel scoffed

"I'm losing money! WE'RE LOSING MONEY, CONTRACTS! Because of your bachelor title"

"Those not working with me simply are judgemental you should know that father"

"Have a family and look responsible, if you don't do it I will"

Darren and Mason watched as the men argued, they never saw how serious this was until they had started exchanging words

Wherever this was going, they both knew it wasn't going to end well for Garrel, their father's ego was very thick it needed a big knife to cut

"You are the head of the company, the first born of the family and MY SON!" Stanley spoke in utter rage

He was losing his temper, he never liked it when anybody disagreed with him, nobody had the guts except his stubborn son

"You think I enjoy the nonsense written in these foolish magazines? Or how you come alone at events ...people talk about these things" he said irritated

"And I don't care about what people say" Garrel responded

"A man with your capabilities needs to have a family, people have to respect you, you are a LEADER-!"

"I'm going to get married when I feel the times right father don't pressure me" he looked at his father "or I won't get married at all if you continue doing this" he threatened

"Aaaah" Stanley nodded as he raised his eyebrows

Stanley chuckled, his son had gone too far this time, he had completely forgotten what he was capable of. No matter the age, at the end of the day Garrel was still his son and he'd do as he told him

He dared threatened his father, his ego was bruised at the failure to convince his son about marriage

Deep inside he never wanted to put the plan he had thought into action, but Garrel left him no choice

He stood up and looked at an angry Garrel

"I give you a month, get yourself a woman or I'm getting you married" Stanley said with finality and walked out of the room

The two boys watched as their father walked out of the room before they focused their eyes on their big brother

Garrel sighed

"Look man, he's really taking this serious ...just find yourself a temporary woman and cool him down" Mason said

"Is he really gonna get you married?" Darren asked in disbelief "he looked serious"

"His threats are getting old" Garrel stood "I'll see you guys tomorrow"

That was enough for the night, Garrel felt he'd lose his mind if he stayed a second longer

He walked out of the living room, he never liked fighting with his father but the marriage issue had gotten too far for him

He walked to the kitchen and out to the garage, he found one of the guards wiping the side mirrors of his shinning black Audi

"Get me the keys" he barked

A man ran out to do exactly what his boss had asked of him

Garrel was getting more angry by the minute, his argument with his father about the matter wasn't like the previous ones he had. He feared his father was serious this time around

He knew never to cross his father when he was serious, he had just done that and it gave him a sense of fear of the future

The guard came back running to him with the keys he requested in his hands, Garrel took them from him and unlocked the Audi before he got in and sped away

He wasn't thinking straight, Garrel felt frustrated and angry that his father was pushing him to do something serious in a short period of time

The sad part of all of this was if his father were to force him into marriage he'd do it without a fight

All he had to do was snatch everything away from him. His position from the family business, all his hard work. All of it would just be taken away from him because of his father's wants

He hit the brakes and leaned on the steering wheel, he never had time to find a woman let alone spend time to know her to enter for the long term in only a month. Garrel sat there and weighed his chances, his father would never force him into something so serious as marriage would he?

He wouldn't

Garrel sat upright and gazed into the middle of nowhere. Sitting there he gave the argument he had with his father much thought, at the end of it he decided not to act and stand his ground

His father was a sensible man, surely there was a chance he was bluffing?

Father doesn't bluff

He exhaled loudly

This was hard for Garrel, but thinking of how unrealistic his father's threat was he still decided to ignore his father's threats

Letting out an aspirated sigh, he gave life to the car and made a u-turn heading home


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