26. Thompson

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As the first born, my family expected me to do a lot of things. Be a good example to my siblings, handle the family business, always be the responsible one at all times

I had done all of that for thirty years

Turns out it wasn't good enough for my father, he still wanted more from me

My life was completely ruined

To add fuel to the fire, I made things more complicated with Serah a few hours ago

I exhaled frustratedly

Why did I do that? Why did I get close to her, my feelings for her keep getting stronger every time I see her

I had a strong feeling to leave all this, confess my feelings and maybe run away with her

Start a new life

This marriage was a sham as it already was, I don't want any of this. I have to admit I felt like crying

I was seated on the floor leaning to my couch in the living room, my elbows on my thighs as I gripped my hair with my eyes closed

This was too big for me, why my father was doing this I had no idea. He hit me where the sun didn't shine


I had faced a lot of challenges in my life and everytime faced them head on, I overcame them but this

This was beyond me

I had a strong urge to cry as I breathed heavily, I felt helpless

How was I going to get out of this, this unwanted marriage, this was going to affect my future

No destroy it

Then don't do it

I suddenly looked up and slid my legs down

Tell her how you feel

Without giving it much thought, I took my phone from the couch and dialed Serah's number

It rang once, twice and before I knew it I heard her angelic voice


I wanted to speak my mind but I suddenly stopped, words got stuck in my throat

What was I doing

If I confessed my feelings to her I'd lose my company, it wouldn't change anything my father would still drag me to the alter

And I'd bring trouble into Serah's life, she'd go down with me if I involved her into all of this

I closed my eyes

She doesn't deserve this


I licked my lips as I felt the butterflies in my stomach, not wanting her to notice my state I worked on my breathing before I spoke

"Hey" I said my voice coming out hoarse

"Are you okay?"

I chuckled as I opened my eyes, funny she still noticed

"Yeah" I cleared my throat "I am"


At this very moment I regretted calling her, I wasn't going to tell her how I feel then what excuse would I give

I sighed

I was doing a great job making my life more complicated than it already was

"Thanks for tonight" she broke the silence

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