9. Third

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A few months had passed and Serah grew accustomed to Darren's behavior and working ways

As days passed by their relationship had grown into a beautiful friendship Serah never believed she'd have

She couldn't count the amount of times she laughed in a single day, let alone ignore the racing heart she felt when he got close

Yes, as soon as it may sound Serah was unwillingly developing feelings for her boss

Just like every other time she chose to stay silent and not act about it, she never planned to either way

On the other hand Darren was glad he got Serah to work for him, his company had extremely changed for the better in terms of making profits ever since he got Serah by his side

She had some real good skills, she deserved to be in the finance department he thought

Serah wasn't only good at her work, she had become a good friend, somebody he looked forward to seeing everyday since she always found a way to make him smile and forget about what he was going through behind the curtains

"Garrel is coming home" Stanley Thompson said

"He told me" Darren responded as he looked at his laptop his hand on his chin with his forefinger on his nose

Darren's father had decided to visit his son to see how the business was going, by the looks of things he noticed the profits of the company had boosted out of the blue

He went there to find out what caused it and to be told of a few changes that was to occur in the near future

His sons had proved to him that they were capable of achieving great things, it was just like yesterday when they came to him with a full proof plan of a company they wanted to open

He remembered how lucky he felt as he saw the fire and passion in his children's eyes as they discussed of how it would go down

Five years later they were here as one of the biggest fashion company in the country

Besides Garrel showing his full potential in the family business, Darren had proven himself worthy of running the family business if an unforeseen circumstance occurred

Mason was wasn't any different, he had worked very hard and opened branches in other countries and found a beautiful woman whom he married after two years of courtship

Stanley smiled

Unlike Mason, his other two sons had him worried when it came to the subject of starting a family, he feared if he didn't act then they'd stay alone all their lives and let the paparazzi do the guess work of which model they were wooing

The fifty five year old looked at his son on the other side of the table as he thought of whether to tell him of his plans or not

He had to be vigilant that he knew for sure, if he told Darren, he'd give heads ups to his big brother

He shook his head

"What's on your mind" Darren asked as he raised his eyes to find his father deep in thought

"I've been observing your company for the past month" Stanley begun

"Yeah" Darren put his hand down and gave all his focus to his father "a new assistant of mine has great skills"

"Aah" Stanley raised his eyebrows "you fired Nelly?"

"No" Darren pushed his chair backward before he stood "I switched assistants with Berg"

Stanley narrowed his eyes at his last born

"Berg told me he had noticed this one has great skills so I wanted to see for myself" Darren said as he walked to his father

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