5. Serah

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He stood there staring nowhere else but where I was standing, maybe me or somebody behind me

I turned my head looking behind me but nope! Found no one there, I turned and looked at him

Well I knew him right? I was supposed to talk him no?

I sighed inwardly, I hated awkward moments

"Hey" I waved awkwardly

I put my hand back on the trolley full of groceries feeling a bit embarrassed that he didn't wave back

"Hi" he said

I looked up to him as butterflies suddenly erupted from my tummy, it just occurred to me that I was hearing his voice for ther first time

He had an amazing voice, so deep, manly and attractive. So tall I'd say he was around 6 foot or 6'1

I love tall men

Shut up!

Are bodyguards usually this hot?

With attractive deep voices?

I'm getting myself one if that's a yes

Get it together SERAH!

Not in the mood to embarrass myself, I walked away. Bodies tend to react to anything admirable, and this was one of those moments

Away from that subject, I decided to walk to the counter because that was enough shopping for the morning

One by one the lady behind the counter Clara swiped the items over to the other side and another lady Jean put them in plastic bags

"You've shopped early this time" Clara smiled as she did her job

"Yeah well was already here, might as well get it over with" I shrugged and smiled

"I understand you girl" Jean said

I gave Clara my card for her to deduct the price amount

"Well thank you for understanding" I smiled

Clara gave me my card and Jean passed me two out of the five plastic bags she had packed for me

"Thank you" I received the bags "I'll get those in a few yeah" I smiled

"Sure sure" Jean said

I was about to walk away when

"Pass me the remaining bags" the deep voice flattered my insides

I stopped in my tracks, looking back I found Clara and Jean looking at me for approval

I stood there contemplating whether it was okay for him to take the bags or not

Come on Serah he's being nice and generous

Besides you know him right?

Be nice


I nodded

Jean gave him the bags which he carried like they were nothing, two bags on his left and one on his right

I waited for him to reach where I was so we could exit the shop together

"Thank you'' I said as we started walking

"Your welcome" he smiled

I looked at him for a second in awe before abruptly looking away, he had a pretty dimplewy smile

Just like my new boss

We walked in comfortable silence to the supermarket mini door and I was surprised when he went ahead and opened the door for me

Her Insecurity CureWhere stories live. Discover now