62. Thompson

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I wasn't paying attention to the talks or what was happening on the dining table, my attention wasn't in the room

No matter how rude it may sound, I wanted these people out of my house

I wanted to be alone and process everything that had happened today, I wanted to make up with my wife so she could tell me everything was eventually going to be okay

I know it was going to be, I just needed her

For the first time I wished I'd escape my own house

My hand played with my food as the men talked about business while the women exchanged recipes

Serah and I were the only people quiet on the table, she too seemed to be lost in her own thoughts

Unlike me she was eating her food slowly, I looked at my untouched food and decided to eat a little something as well

An hour passed and soon everyone was bidding farewell with full stomachs and a container of leftovers Serah packed for them

We stood together outside as we watched everyone walk to their cars while others drove out of the driveway

"Thank you for coming" I thanked Serah's father

"You're welcome Garrel" he looked at his daughter "you haven't been yourself is everything okay?"

She nodded a fake smile plastered on her face

"I'm fine" she said quietly causing me to sigh

Her parents gave us a suspicious look but let it slide either way

"When are you going to visit as a couple?" Aunt Nancy asked

"Soon" I smiled

"I hope it's not too late by then" she smiled sadly "I'm rooting for you two"

"It won't be" I assured her

Aunt Nancy smiled at me and cupped her daughter's face "please take care of yourself" she said to her

Serah nodded

Giving us one final look, the couple walked down the steps and got in their car

"Nine months and no progress, I was very much confident you'd be together" I turned around and found father standing by the door

I wasn't in the mood to play mind games with him tonight, I stared at him

Father walked and stood in front of us, he looked at me before staring down at my wife

"I thought he'd have made a move on you by now" he said "some people just never see what's in front of them until it's gone" he shook his head

"I've had a long day father" I said in exhaustion

"I apologize for ruining your life child, six months is all that's needed for a married couple to divorce ...if you ever want to sign the papers give me a call even if it's before your anniversary" he said "I'll bring them to you"

My heart dropped at his words, how could he say such a thing

"You haven't smiled the whole time we were here, I came to see how your relationship is doing and it's clear you two aren't clicking. I won't force you anymore"

He looked at me one more time before descending down the steps and entered the backseat of his car

By his words it was clear he knew nothing about my relationship with Serah, Arita was doing a good job feeding him lies

Stanley Thompson was completely unaware of what was happening, I smirked knowing I was going to surprise him soon

I watched as his car drive away from my house

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