34. Serah

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I flinched at the sound of the male voice in the house, I closed my eyes and sighed

For a second I got scared of who that was, as you can see I got used to only hearing female voices in the house

I opened my eyes

Didn't someone tell him sneaking on people is a bad behavior? He's so boring

I turned around with a bored face and looked at him, Mr Garrel Thompson is back ladies and gentlemen

I blinked looking at him once again before I turned around to go to my room, his presence wasn't exactly what I needed right now

"I don't like repeating myself" he stopped me

I inhaled and exhaled, what did this guy want? Was he going to stand there and pretend that he didn't know my brother?

Dumb human

"Who was that man!" He demanded

I frowned as I turned around and folded my arms, okay besides the fact that  he didn't know Kai who was he to ask that question

So what if it wasn't my brother, did he have any right on me? I don't think he has, he has no right to be angry or use that tone on me

"Why do you care?" I asked daringly

"It's my house and I'm not going to allow men in my house" he stated

"And that's going to stop me how?"

He chuckled

"You're walking on thin ice Happy" he walked slowly towards me as annoyance surged through my veins

I HATE that name

How dare he call me that

I swallowed a lump in my throat and closed my eyes and exhaled loudly

"I don't know what you want just leave me alone okay" I opened my eyes and I was caught by surprise when I found him right in front of me

"Why did you marry me when you knew you have a lover, I didn't catch you to be this type of girl" he narrowed his eyes

I looked at him in awe, what did he just say? Type of girl?

Gosh this man

"I don't ever want to see that boy in my house ever again" he said in a warning tone

Like he'd do something bad if he ever saw him again

I shook my head

"You'll be seeing him much more often whether you like it or not sir, get used to it" I said

I was about to turn around but he caught my arm and turned me swiftly


He was getting on my nerves

How dare he touch me like that, why was he even questioning me about my lover or brother as if he actually cared

Didn't he just leave for a whole month, he shows up out of the blue and expects a warm welcome?

In case he hasn't noticed I'm not his wife! I'll never accept it, and wasn't he the one that talked about personal space?

What was he doing now!?


"HE'S MY BROTHER! OKAY? NOW LEAVE ME ALONE" I shrugged my arm away from his hold and pointed my index finger at him "DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN!" I shouted before running upstairs

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