29. Serah

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Marriage Day

A day where you are bonded with the love of your life, the day you bind yourself with a person that became your best friend, pillar, brother, everything, lover

The day you tie the knot with a special someone and start a new life

A family

One of the happiest days of a man and woman's life, unlike mine

I entered the church doors and walked in slowly to the piano music that was playing in the background

I looked at the church half full of people I didn't know on my future husband's side and my family on the other

A couple of camera men scattered inside the church capturing the sad moments

I inhaled and exhaled silently before looking ahead of me, I tried my best smiling at everyone

I had to look happy, my in-laws's orders

My father stood a few feet away from me wearing a sad face

Many would think he was sad because I was a big girl starting a new life with the man he approved

Well think again

I put my hand in his hand that was put out for me and looked into his eyes

He smiled at me, my heart ached at that moment. Never in my world did I think I'd see the day where he looked so helpless

I let out a silent sob as tears slowly ran down my face

He shook his head slowly and I got the message, I wasn't supposed to ruin this with my sour mood

We faced ahead and slowly walked down the aisle, I could feel everyone's eyes on me

I looked in front and my heart lept out of my chest, my lips parted in shock as I saw who was waiting for me at the alter


Tears rolled down my eyes, what was fate trying to prove here. Did it want me to start hating the only person I thought was good


He's no different from everyone, he's no different from his father. I felt disappointed as I walked towards him

Why was he doing this, why me, what was so special about me that he had to blackmail my family to get me

He's the worst

They're all the worst

If not for the waterproof makeup I would be a mess right now, the veil had my back hiding my face as I walked past the people

We reached him and my father hesitantly put my hand in Garrel's before walking away, we stood facing each other in front of the pastor and I prayed I got through with this without breaking

I couldn't concentrate, all that ran in my mind was how disappointed I was with Garrel and Darren

Garrel unveiled the front veil away and I looked up to him with a forced smile. I didn't miss the surprise that displayed on his face, It went away as soon as I noticed it

I looked at Darren behind him and he didn't react at all, it was clear now. For a person that called himself my friend he sure wasn't feeling guilty for stabbing me in the back

He could've warned me, do something to stop this but he didn't and his brother sat there waiting for his father to do all the dirty work for him

If this is how they-


I looked up and saw the Pastor looking at me

"Repeat after me" he said to which I nodded

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