42. Third

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"So you mean she's still avoiding you after all that"

"Yeah" Garrel sighed "is there something I missed?"

Mason chuckled

"I don't know" he shrugged "Avoiding you for two months in the same house, she's talented"

"She doesn't avoid me" Garrel collected

"A less than five minute talk that barely happens? Sounds like avoiding to me"

Garrel sighed

"You're married aren't you, you have to know these things" he said accusingly

"Women are complicated brother, experience has nothing to do with it"

Garrel shook his head

The elevator doors opened and the two walked out

"Just talk to her again" Mason suggested

Garrel eyed his brother before looking back to where he was going

"Is this why we're on her floor?"

"Wh-" he faked surprised "nno ..I well I'm here to to" he looked at the people busy working walking up and down "to seeee how the monthly products are coming out"

Garrel raised his eyebrows

Mason walked ahead and entered team 1 on the creative and design department, he looked at his brother through the glass door and beckoned him

Garrel scoffed and shook his head before following suit

The department had six teams working on the monthly design products, Garrel never went on this floor frequently. That was Darren's job

"You know you're not directly connected to this department, this is of no use to you" Garrel said as they walked to the third team's room

"I'm part of the board members, I need to know what the company is up to once in a while"

Garrel snorted

Mason walked in and the team members stood immediately they saw the two men enter the room

The team leader just like the previous teams explained their work and showed them their progress so far

All the information that was being explained went in Mason's ear and got out through the other, he wasn't there for what he was doing

He's main reason for showing up there was to talk to Serah


It had been a three weeks after his brother was married

Mason had just learnt about why Serah married his brother, he wanted to know what kind of woman she was that's why he found himself knocking on his parent's door searching for answers

After learning the real reason he tried reaching out to Garrel but he shut him out completely after mentioning Serah's name

Since his brother wasn't ready to talk he decided to talk to Serah

Lucky enough Serah was the first to approach him by mail requesting a one on one meeting

Which was why he was standing at a diner in the middle of town searching for a curly headed woman


He walked towards her immediately he spotted her


She turned with a smile but he watched her welcoming smile turn downward when she saw him

Ignoring that he sat in front of her on the table

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