41. Serah

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My day was a drag, even though I didn't want to I still went to work because my team needed me

We were almost done with the monthly creation and I just didn't have it in me to let them down again

I was fine, I took my pain killers every five hours so the cramps had nothing on me

With the long day over I reached home and freshened up, walking around the house I noticed the annoying person wasn't around so I decided to watch TV

To All The Boys I Loved was the first movie that played when I switched the screen on so I settled on that

As the movie was playing my mind wandered off the face of the earth

Look at me enjoying this man's house

Well you're forced here the least you could do is use his house and be happy

Like I'd be happy in this house

I sighed and rolled my eyes as I played with my hair

Eight months is a looong time

I wished things would've been different but when I thought of my parents and my siblings, I'd do it all again for them

Even if it meant I wouldn't be happy, not that I was happy anyways

I was there in my zone when suddenly I felt somebody sit next to me, I let out a sigh of boredom as I knew who it was

Well that's my cue to leave

I was about to stand up when he started speaking

"I was forced into this marriage too"


I looked at Garrel

He sat there leaning his back against the couch with his hands on his laps looking at the screen

He looked at my straight face

"Can we talk?"

What did he mean by forced? I know I didn't like his presence at the moment but I shuffled and faced him as I lightly sat on my leg and rested my arm on the edge of the couch

He looked back at the screen again

"There's a contract I signed ten years ago with my father. When he was handing over the company to me he made me agree to get married before 30, if I don't then I'd lose the company"

I looked at him completely not giving a brick about whatever he was talking about, did I even wanna hear this

"When I turned 29 he started pressuring me to get married" he chuckled "the woman I was interested in didn't notice me or had anything to do with me"

A woman not interested in him? Well that's a first

"I kept giving my father excuses that I'll find the right woman soon but with each excuse he got impatient, until one day he just burst the bubble and told me I'll be getting married on Saturday"

Wait. What?

He was silent for a while and let out a sigh

"My brothers and I tried searching for the woman my father chose for me that week, I left no stone unturned but he made sure we didn't find her. Not until on the altar"

Was he being real right now? I looked at him, his face wasn't showing any I'm kidding vibes, no he wasn't

I was confused

"When I signed that contract, I thought I'd probably get married before thirty" he chuckled "but the more I got successful the more I met the wrong women, so I decided to meet the right woman... And I ran out of time in the process"

"Why are you telling me this" I asked

"Because I want you to know you aren't the only victim in this marriage" he looked at me "I was told if I don't get married then he'd take the company away from me" he looked at his hands "all the hard work would go in vain I didn't want that"

He looked back at me

"That's why I stood on that altar waiting to marry a woman I did not even know"

"So what you're saying is you were forced- how's that even possible"

"He's my dad" Garrel chuckled "he does things in his own weird way to keep things in check"

"In check" I rolled my eyes

He shrugged

"I met you're father" he said

I looked at him at the mention of my dad

"I wanted to know why you married me since you weren't showing any interest in me"

I scoffed

"I'm sorry for what my father did to you" he said "it wasn't okay not for you or any woman who I would've married"

As I sat there looking at Garrel, his posture and his eyes I just knew he was telling the truth. My gut, my intuition everything in me just felt and saw that this man wasn't lying

Right there I felt the need to apologize, I treated him wrongly when he wasn't in the wrong

He wasn't the one who forced me to marry him, his father did and I was shady towards everytime he was in the room

I was so caught up in my misery I didn't see he was suffering too

Garrel was in the same shoes as me

"I'm sorry" I said

"For what?" He asked

"Well... Being mean to you"

He smiled and butterflies misbehaved in my tummy, obviously I ignored that

"It's okay, your reaction is justified"

I smiled back

"So can we have eight months to go" he said "can we at least be civil with each other until then"

My heart sank, my smile almost faded but I did my best to keep it up

"Sure" I said

He smiled and nodded before standing up, he took a bottle of water on the floor that I didn't notice and walked out of the room

I shuffled in my seat and leaned on the couch putting all my legs down and looked at the ceiling

Now that I knew Garrel was forced in this marriage just as him, I somehow saw him different

He was a victim just like me, he was just trying to save his company. Who does that

Did I want to be mad at him at the fact that he married me because of his company?

No matter how I wanted to, I just didn't. I did the same in a way

I sighed

"Civil huh"

I don't know if I'd manage that, I still had to stay away from him

Knowing my feelings for him and the fact that he's not the bad guy in the story, I'd probably embarrass myself in the near future

So mission avoid Garrel will not be abandoned

Yeah I agree

Stay away from Garrel Serah


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