64. Serah

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"Garrel what a pleasant surprise" she gave my husband a nauseated smile

I rolled my eyes

"Merissa, hey" he smiled

My lips immediately turned downwards at the reaction he gave her, she gave me her annoying smirk before looking back at Garrel

"Is this seat taken?” she asked "no? okay"

She made herself comfortable and sat next to Garrel dangerously close  making him scoot away from her

Merissa put her arms on the table and intertwined her hands oblivious of the tension that begun to rise in the air

Or maybe she just ignored it

"Have you guys already ordered?"

I was about to speak but Garrel beat me to it

"Yes we have" he nodded before eying me

I made no mistake to smile or show any happy vibes, I was bored instantly she made herself present and I wasn't going to hide that fact

I'm sure Garrel notices

"Alright, well I saw you guys and decided to say hi" she smiled "and I personally wanted to thank you for what you did that day" she looked at Garrel

That day?

That caught my attention

"And what is that" I directed the question at Merissa

"Hmm?" she looked at me "oh well Garrel found a part time job for me at Char's design when I got suspended" she smiled

My heart sunk at the new found information

"Isn't he sweet?"

My eyes rolled to my guilty husband. He licked his lips as he avoided eye contact with me, his hand found its way to his forehead and shook his head


I looked at Merissa

"You didn't tell her? Sorry I thought you di-"

"Leave" I heard Garrel command

"You'll talk to me on WhatsA-"

"Merissa leave right now"

I felt water accumulate in my eyes, I swallowed a lump in my throat as I watched her leave with a smirk on her face

I was tired of her and her drama, every time we decided to go out she somehow showed up and ruined the day

Was she keeping tabs on us? She was so determined to ruin my life, what wrong did I ever do to her

And Garrel

I stared at him

How could he do this to me, again! Garrel knew how much I didn't like his clingy ex and yet he went ahead and got her a job after suspending from D&G

What was the whole point of the suspension then!!!

I was hurt

Didn't anything that she did to me mean anything to him? Why did he downgrade me every time she was involved in my situations

Was taking my side so hard for him?

"You got her a job" I said hurt pure in my voice


"Why do you make me look like a fool every time she's around Garrel" I sniffled "it's obvious now that she's into you and is determined to separate us, why can't you see that!"

"This beef you have with her has to end" he looked at me

I raised my eyebrows, he still wasn't getting what was going on. It's so absurd for someone who was old enough to read simple antics like that of Merissa's

He sure was being blind

"When are you going to realize that there's no beef, she's the one who's doing all the wrong things" I wiped my tears and stood "create space with her Garrel, get rid of her or ...before it's too late"

With that I walked away ignoring his constant calls on my name

I met the the waiter that took our orders earlier with a plastic bag in his hands

"I'll take those" I said as I sniffled

He gave me the plastic bag and I exited the restaurant, I didn't look back until I found myself outside the mall

I stood beside the road for a few seconds before I spotted a taxi approaching, I waved at it and it stopped right in front of me

I opened the backseat and entered immediately

"Merlin Street" I said before the driver stepped on the accelerator

I couldn't believe why Garrel was letting Merissa's action slide everytime she did something

This wasn't the first time we bumped into her within these past two months

We had met her twice and every time she ruined my mood, and yet each time Garrel took her side

Tears rolled down my face

This woman tried to paint a bad picture of me at D&G, if I wasn't Garrel's wife I'd have become a laughing stock by now

Garrel fought for me and suspended her, only to find out today that his actions weren't authentic

He only did it to keep his employees in check, then went behind my back and gave her a job somewhere else!

How could he do that

He made me look stupid in Merissa's eyes, that's why she keeps on showing up. Garrel keeps on giving him hope that she can actually snatch him away from me

Did he really care about me if he let's the threat to our relationship be?

If this continues, I'm afraid I might do something I'd regret in a lifetime


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