65. Thompson

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I went straight to my car hoping I'd find her there but she was no where to be seen

She had disappeared on me again

I sighed

This is not how I imagined my day to end, I pictured us having a good meal and having a good time before the night ended

Fighting was not on the list, no it wasn't

Thinking about it now, majority of the fights that happened between my wife and I were because of Merissa

Every time she did something to annoy Serah and I was blind to notice that fact

I just thought Serah was being jealous like she usually was

Anger was what I was feeling now, I felt agitated with how Merissa dropped the bomb on Serah

I did tell Merissa never to mention it in front of my wife, telling her made me realize her intentions weren't exactly pure

I took Serah's complaints lightly all this time but my eyes shone today, Merissa didn't have the right to do what she did

When I suspended her from work she pleaded to me day and night to get back to work, I did believe her when she said she didn't mean to make that recording go viral

Besides I cared less about that recording, somehow I felt proud knowing my wife enjoyed every second of our love making

Because of Merissa's constant bickering I contacted Mrs Nowels to give her a part time job to shut her up

I did think of telling Serah about it yes, but she overreacts every time Merissa's name is mentioned

Which was why I told Merissa not to let word out

I took out my phone and dialed her number, the phone rang thrice before she picked it up

"Didn't think you'd call me so soon" she proudly said

"What was the stunt you pulled?" I spoked straight to the point


"Drop the act Merissa" I glared at the cars in front of me "I specifically told you not to say a word"

"I thought you told her" she faked innocence

"What do you want?"

There was silence before I heard her sigh

"I want you Garrel, I've never wanted anything in my life like I want you"

I closed my eyes as I clenched my jaw

"I know things didn't work between us and that you wanted us to be friends after but I just can't, I can't do this ...I don't want you close to me or the company anymore"


"I'm married, you should know better how loyal I am" I opened my eyes

"Please consider this, I still love you Thom and I know you still have feelings for me so pl-"

"I love Serah, she's the only woman I have feelings for. You should stop playing with her emotions or you won't like what I'll do to you" with that I cut the call

I grabbed the steering wheel and leaned on it, every fight we've had for the past months flashed before my eyes

All of them were because of Merissa, how did I not see that she still had feelings for me. I was invested in the fact that we were friends not realizing her full intentions with my marriage

I exhaled heavily as I sat up on my seat, now I had to search for my wife whose whereabouts I don't know

She could be anywhere

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