57. Serah

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I don't know about you but this man right here was talented with surprising me and making me speechless

I felt my eyes began to fill up with water as I looked into his

"I love you, I care about you so much" he whispered "you're it for me Wifey, you're the one for me ...I knew it the moment your father explained why you married me"

Tears rolled down my eyes as he cupped my cheek

"So yes baby, you're important to me... you're that important to me" he smiled

"How did I get so lucky" I blurted out

"We got my father to thank for that" he joked as he showed me his white pearly teeth

I giggled as he let out a chuckle

"Uuuuh what's going on here?"

We both looked up and found Reina giving us a suspicious look, Garrel leaned away from me as I took a few steps away from him

"You're late" Garrel said as he buried his hands in his pocket behind me

"Sorry, I was bit tied up somewhere... I already informed Darren I'd come a bit late" she said

"It's alright" He said

She looked at me and smiled

"Good morning Mrs Thompson, I'm glad you finally decided to show up here"

I narrowed my eyes at her, don't tell me she didn't recognize me too

"Don't hesitate to call me if you need anything" she smiled "I'm sure your husband's showed you around already yes?"

"Why're you being formal with her" Garrel asked as he opened his office door

"What do you mean" Reina asked confused

Alright now that's just mean, how could she not recognize me? I mean she could at least recognize my hair even though it was tied together

I narrowed my eyes at Reina, I'm starting to doubt our friendship

"Forgive me I'm confused?" she continued

Garrel took my hand in his

"You really don't recognize me?" I asked

Reina frowned as soon as I finished my sentence, she covered her mouth as she really stared at me deeply

Her jaw dropped

"Serah?" she asked in disbelief

Just that moment the I heard the elevator sound before rushing clicking sounds resonated the place, the one and only woman I don't like in this worldade herself present

I should really talk to Garrel about limiting people who waltz in here at their free will

"Can we please talk Garrel"

I looked at him for his reaction

Was he really going to hear her out after what she did today? If not for that emergency announcement I don't know how things would've been now

I know I'm still the talk of town but at least now they know I have some sort of power in this place, I'm literally their employer just like my husband

That sounds nice

I know


Deep down I hoped Garrel wouldn't agree to this talk. I don't care if I looked bad but I didn't want him to hear her out, I didn't want her close to Garrel in any type of way

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