48. Serah

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Disrespect, hurt and sad was what I felt, knowing that I was there frustrated about his whereabouts when he was out there with another woman

It hurt me

How could he do this to me, why did he do that to me. I regretted going to that event with Garrel

He bought me a dress, shoes and walked with me on the red carpet. He made me feel a bit special only to crush me

Tears rolled down my eyes

He's the worst

The fact that he introduced me to his people, and flashed me a smile everytime I looked his way. I was so hooked up

I sniffed and shook my head

I didn't want to see him or be near him, but the fact that he sat on the edge of the bed staring at me with a worried face wasn't helping

"Are you okay?"

Garrel rushed us home after I bumped into a wall, he gave me painkillers immediately I woke up

I don't know why I fainted, maybe I took whatever happened way too much. I regained consciousness after being laid on his bed

His bed yes, I'd have been ecstatic if it was any other day

"I'm okay" I said

"What did Merissa say to you" he sighed "Sammie didn't tell me anything"

I looked at him, my tears had stopped falling. I know I looked a crazy mess, but then again I looked a mess all the time so I didn't care

I wanted to tell him, ask him why he went to another woman. Did I even have the right to? Did I really matter to him?

I didn't care about any of those answers, what I really wanted to know was why he did that when he asked me to go with him to the charity event

"Where were you when you disappeared at the charity event" I asked

"I was with Mrs Nowels, she wanted me to run the donation paperwork before I got any busier with people" he said with furrowed eyebrows "why?"

I studied his demeanor, he was telling the truth. Garrel did leave with Mrs Nowels but I'm sure that wasn't the whole truth

"After that?"

"I came straight to you" he said


I'm sure he saw the disbelief in my eyes because he took his hands in mine and stared into my eyes

"Talk to me" he said softly

"You were with Merissa weren't you" it came out more of an accusation than a question

Garrel watched me carefully before a small smile crept upon his face, he shook his head

"I met her on the way, she came with a man I don't know so we only exchanged pleasantries"

I pouted and looked at him causing him to chuckle. I don't know why he was laughing, this wasn't funny

"I don't believe you" I said

Garrel scooped close to me before he cupped my face causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach

"I can never do that to you Serah" he said looking into my eyes "I can never disrespect you like that, I came straight to you after I was done with Mrs Nowels. I did meet Merissa on the way and a few other people but I tried my best not to take too much time"

"You took too long" I sniffled

"And I apologize for that, next time I'll take you with me" he caressed my face with his thumb convincing me

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