21. Serah

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I sat in my living thinking as I stared into open space, was it just me or I totally heard him wrong

I wish we met under different circumstances

He seemed serious when he aired those words out, what was going on in that head of his

To think about it, Garrel seemed different after lunch. He had locked himself up in his office making sure we get the idea that he wanted to be left alone

Or maybe I'm exaggerating

I mean yes he's a bit quiet and mature comparing to Darren but he lets loose from time to time

That wasn't the case after lunch

"Ugh" I shuffled on my seat and laid my head on the couch

What's bothering him

Wait why should I even bother?

Because you like him

I sighed as I covered myself with the dark blue flannel that was draping around me

No matter how I didn't want to admit, it was clear I liked this man. It's sad isn't it, when my feelings decided to pick someone and torture me with, it chose him


I sadly sighed animatedly, why him, why Garrel, why not someone of my level

Weeeell because he has nice eyes, a nice nose, nice well shaped eyebrows, beautiful pink lips, let's just say he has a pretty face

I mean why not

And his body, gosh don't get me started on his body girl you just



I tapped my head multiple times to stop myself from thinking thoughts that were irrelevant

This wasn't healthy for me at all, Garrel had totally taken over my mind. I mean I'd push his face at the back of my head when he popped up from time to time but after he started coming at the office


I covered my face

I couldn't help it

A buzz caught my attention, I popped my head out and saw my phone low key moving from the table

I reached out and grabbed it before checking the caller ID

A smile flashed across my face as I saw who was calling, without wasting time I swiped across the screen and Kai's face popped up

"Hi" he smiled ear to ear

Which was very weird

He seemed to be in his kitchen, I could see his microwave from here

"Why are we happy? What's the occasion" I chuckled as I shuffled and sat upright

"Shouldn't I be happy, I'm seeing you after months"

"A month to be exact" I corrected him

"Feels like years" he shrugged before looking back at the camera "so how's my favorite sister doing? What's new"

I made a downward smile as I rolled my eyes upwards in thought

"Weeell I'm okay"

"Hmmm" he nodded with a smile

"Uuuh well I happened to somehow find myself participating in the D&G Runway Program and I'm done with my work, well almost-"

"Wait!" He cut me abruptly

I looked at the screen grinning to see his surprised face

"You got in for real????" He asked in disbelief

I nodded with energy

"WHATTT!!!" he screamed and jumped off his seat and covered his mouth "how did it happen!"

"Well my boss saw my house and the sketches I draw when I'm bored, well he kind of convinced his brother to let me in the program and that's-"

"Wait" Kai stopped me as he sat on his stool "this boss of yours, as in Darren and Garrel?"

I nodded

Kai snorted and looked at me

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows

"Garrel doesn't seem like the type to allow a person to enter the program in such a way, without going through the normal process? No" he shook his head

"And how do you know that?" I raised my eyebrows

"He's known for his follow the procedure to get in rule, everyone knows that" he said

"Well he's the one that actually broke the news to me"

Kai raised his eyebrows, I looked at him and we stared at each other for a few seconds before he scrutinized his eyes at me

"Are you sure he doesn't like you?"

I frowned and gave him a what in the world face because honestly where did that come from

"No I'm serious, why else would you get the opportunity without trial?" He asked

"A guy like him wouldn't like a girl like me Kai" I said "I just got lucky"

Kai chuckled as he shook his head

"You better be right about that" He said

We continued chilling about some other stuff after that, but what he said hadn't left my mind

What if Kai was actually right

He's obviously wrong

And you obviously wouldn't act on it would you?

I wouldn't

I smiled at Kai as I listened to his college stories, deep down wishing Garrel liked me too

But that would only remain just a wish, it's obvious that the man wouldn't even like me on his worst days romantically

Not even if I was the last woman on earth


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