55. Serah

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Claudia's eyes widened as she turned her head swiftly to the door, her face turned pale when she saw who it was

Garrel stood there his hands in his pockets as he glared at her with raised eyebrows

"Mr Thompson" she said in a weak voice

"I asked a question" he said calmly as he walked slowly inside the room


Garrel shook his head slowly and stood in front of her

"Why are you letting them undermine you like this?" he asked looking at Claudia with a blank face "this wouldn't have happened if you didn't hide"

I knew that question was directed to me but I stayed silent. He glanced at me and extended his hand towards me

"Come" he beckoned

It didn't take me a second to obey, he wasn't in a joking mood by the tone in his voice. I walked to him slowly as everyone in the room watched me carefully

He pulled me close as soon as I was near him and he intertwined our hands

"I've let this go too far" he muttered to himself

He looked at a frightened Claudia then at everyone in the room

"I expect pure respect for each other, respect for one's private matters" he shouted

By the tone in his voice I could tell he was angry, he sounded pissed. Everyone in this room was definitely sitting on eggshells at the moment

"And you all WATCHED!" I flinched at his changed of tone "AS SHE GOT HARASSED!? I DEMAND OUTMOST RESPECT! RESPECT HER-"

"Garrel" I whispered

My insides flinched when he whipped his head to me his face full with anger, I got really scared at that moment. But no matter how angry he was I didn't look away, I was worried

I was worried for my coworkers, they were getting shouted at for something only one person did, that wasn't fair at all

I looked into his eyes trying somehow to calm him down, no matter how worried I looked his face didn't budge

He looked at where the two men sat and spoke

"Finish packing her stuff and bring them to my office" was all he said before pulling no scratch that, before he dragged me out of the room

I found myself in a similar situation again, running while he took long strides. He fished out his phone and tapped on it a few times before putting it to his ear

"Announce an emergency meeting now! I want everyone to stop what they're doing and watch the screens if they won't make it to the Runway Hall!"

Garrel cut the call and put his phone back in his pocket the same time we reached the private elevator

One look at him and I could see he wasn't his normal calming self. Anyone would think he was fine but I could tell from his breathing and aura

He needed to calm down, fast

We entered the elevator and it closed before it started moving

Wanting to talk to him became difficult all of the sudden, how would I handle a pissed off Garrel?

My heart beat frantically at the mere thought of even speaking, there was a possibility that he was angry with me too

I did hide the fact that I was married to him after all

I took a few calming breath before I pulled my hand away from his, took a step and stopped the elevator from moving

His eyes rolled to me his blank mask still on his face

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