50. Third

455 18 0

"Tell me"

Serah swallowed a lump in her throat,  she held her fidgety fingers tight as she looked anywhere but her

Garrel studied Serah's demeanor as he waited for her to air out what was troubling her

He noticed she was an overthinker, she was always in her mind. He made a mental note to change that and let her open up to him everytime he noticed something was troubling her

Serah shuffled so her body was facing him

"Promise me you won't get mad" she said with a worried face

"I'm not going to promise that" he shook his head

If whatever she was about to say wasn't pleasing, he was going to react. Therefore that promise was as good as nothing

Serah pursed her lips as she nodded

His answer did not help her situation one bit. Any slight mistake in her sentences and he'd blow up in her face

She examined him as she caressed her thighs

Garrel sighed as she watched her drag whatever she about to say, he knew they weren't going to get anywhere like this

He opened his door and got out, Serah watched him as he walked around the car and opened her side

"Let's take a walk" he gave her his hand

After staring him for a while, she nodded


Serah placed her hand into his big one hesitantly

Garrel helped her down the car before locking the car and slowly, they walked away from it entering a pavement with trees from each side

They walked in silence as they enjoyed the fresh air the trees produced, the chirping of birds and the sound of leaves dancing in mid air. It somehow was calming Serah's mind

"How long have you liked me" she asked

She decided to curve the talk until she was ready

"Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?" Garrel glanced at her

She looked at him before shaking her head slowly and looked away from him

"I just" she took in a long breath "wanna calm down for a bit okay"

Garrel looked at her a peeved expression plastered on his face, either way he let it slide and decided to wait a bit longer

"A year" he looked ahead of him "I've liked you for a whole year and a few months"

Serah's lips parted as she looked at him flabbergasted

"That's before I became Darren's assistant" she said taking her steps to a halt

How was that possible, Serah didn't understand how Garrel could like her even after how she looked

If he hadn't noticed, she was the last on the good looking people list in his company

Why would he like somebody like her

"You're very attractive both on the inside and outside if you haven't noticed" Garrel said as he stretched his hand to her

Serah stared at him, Garrel beckoned him with his outstretched hand

Serah walked a few steps forward and put her hand in his, they walked in silence once again as what Garrel said sunk in

It didn't make sense to her

"What did you see in me?" she asked

Garrel chuckled

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