15. Serah

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I dashed to my table and took out my phone before rushing again to the door making a small prayer Garrel didn't get annoyed that I hadn't followed him right away

Darren would've probably been whining my name out by now

I smiled at the thought as I got out of my office, I found Garrel waiting for me at the reception counter looking intensely at his phone

His head looked up when he sensed my presence and he started walking to the elevator

I followed him close behind like a loyal servant I was

We entered the elevator and he tapped the second floor

Storage department

The elevator was silent, I stood there uncomfortable as I thought of how I was going to act around him



I felt like apologizing for acting so casually around him and making him carry my grocery bags

I inwardly sighed, if only we could go back in time I would've greeted him with respect, after all first impressions really matter to me

Suddenly I heard him sigh, I looked at him low key fearing if I had done something wrong

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Errm..." I nodded

"You've been fidgeting too much what's wrong"

"Nothing really sir" I said politely as I eyed him

A frown seemed to form on his face

"Actually... I wanted to apologize about the day we met at the supermarket, I ..I didn't know you were my bo-"

"Is that why you look highly uncomfortable?"

I looked at him

"I need you to relax, being your boss doesn't change anything... I'm still the same guy you met months ago" he said before the elevator doors opened

"Come" he stepped out of the elevator causing me to follow

We entered into what seemed to be a warehouse with big containers on one side and cubicles on the left side with a reception desk near the elevator doors

It was empty of humans as we walked on the wide path which separated the containers from the cubicles

Well this was the place I came alright

"Tell me what materials you need" he said as he stopped and turned around

"Cotton black and grey fabric, white elastic fabric, black strings and five snap buttons" I said

"Those are basic things that are always available " he pointed out

He started walking eyeing the containers  which made my mind swirl with questions, what was he up to? Why were we here? And why did he just ask me what I needed

Garrel stopped and walked to a dark green container before he swiped a card I did not notice in his hand

Soon the doors of the container opened, I stood by the door as I watched him switch the lights of the container

My eyes widened as the lights revealed what was inside, thousands and thousands of buttons packed neatly

"Woah" I whispered

He tilted his head towards me and beckoned me, wasting no time I walked in inspecting the room with interest

Sue me for looking intrigued but I have never seen the inside of a container let alone with so many cute buttons

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