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Ian: did u know that mickey likes it hard

Lip: dude no one cares

Ian: oh

Mickey: IaN  GaLlAgHeR

Ian: mickey

Mickey: why the fuck would u say that?

Ian: I love u

Mickey: oh I Bet u do

Ian: I dooooooooooooooooo

Debs: can u too shut the fuck up

Ian: debbbiiieeeeeeewee

Liam: r u drunk dude

Ian: r u the popo

Liam: no

Ian: then no

Carl: mick, go get ur man

Mick: why me he's ur brother

Carl: he's ur husband

Mick: touché

Frank: anyone spare me a 20

All of them except Frank: FUCK OF FRANK

Fiona: hey everyone

Debs: hi

Mick: bye, imma go get my husband

V: yo mick ur husbands past out on our floor

Mick: rlly no shit

V: hey don't be angry gosh

Ian: I like ponies


Ian: mick mick there's a guy he's touching me help I told him I'm married he's touching me

Mick: bitch calm ur tits it's me

Ian: ohhhhh

Ian: remember when mickey beat lip up bc he thought I messed around w Mandy haha

Mick: just shut up

Lip: yes plz do

Ian: they don't love me anymore 😭😭

Liam: please shut the fuck up


LIam: sorry 😞

Lip: Ayo mick

Mick: what

Lip: u remember Karen Jackson

Mick: yea some reason she wouldn't ever get w me

Lip: probably bc ur gay

Mick: I wasn't then till Gallagher happened

Ian remember when svetlana and mick got married and I joined the army

Mick: not this again

Ian: and then he got her pregnant and left me man he fucking left me then tried to kill sammi for me then came out for me I rlly love him

Mick: Jesus Christ Ian

Ian: I. Love. You.

Ian: how old wild yvgeney be now mick

Mick: I don't fucking know

Ian: he's got to be like 10 now remember I used to look after him all the time after that commie skank was fucking u and other guys

Mick: names svetlana Ian and yes Ik

Ian: I loved that kid

Mick: u stole him when u was having a damn bipolar episode

Ian: I wasn't on my meds and it wasn't my fault

Mick: yhyh Ik

Lip: okay,can u both shut the fuck up

Ian: hey lip

Lip: yea

Ian: remember when mickey fucked angie zagho

Lip: yes I was there

Mick: ffs what else
- remember when u left me at the border
- Remember when u worked at a strip club
- remember when u broke up w me bc I tried saving ur ass from sammi
- remember when U FUCKING CHEATED ON ME
- remember when u went of and made a god damn porno
- remember I got shot in the ass and leg bc of u
- remember when I got my ass beat for u for being gay
- remember I got r@p£d bc I got caught being gay

So don't come to me and say I did shit bc yea I did to protect. Ur god damn ass

Ian: I'm sorry mick

Mick: yea sure whatever

Ian: mick

Lip; just let him be Ian

Ian: no

Ian: no

Ian: no

Lip: just let him be Ian okay

Ian: I didn't do a lot of shit he did shit to me

Mick: yea like what

- fucked angie zagho
- beat up Ned right in front of me
- married svetlana
- left to go to Mexico
- beat up my brother bc I apparently messed around w ur sister
- went to juvie

Mick: damn

Lip: damn divest I but he's

Mandy: and I was the one that got u together lmaooo

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