Reality if having kids

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"I want daddy" 4 year old Avery cried
"I want daddy"

"I want daddy"
"I miss daddy"

"Hey stop crying"

"I want daddy"

"Hey no more crying"


"Daddy will be back soon" Ian reassured the young girl who was crying In to his chest

"Call him" Avery suggested"

FaceTime call mickey milkovich

What's up babe

Hey mick Avery is crying she wants you can u talk to her

Yea sure

Ian pointed the phone to face Avery showing her heavy breathing and tears streaming down her face


"Ye baby what's wrong"

"I want you home"

"I will soon baby"


"Hey hey Avery stop crying okay I'll be home soon okay"

"O- okay"

"Why don't u and dada Ian cuddle up on the sofa and watch paw patrol and go sleep"

"Okay daddy"

"Okay baby I love you I'll see u soon"

"Love you daddy"

"Hey Ian I gotta go I'll be home soon"

"Okay love ya"

"Love ya too"

After the called and ended Ian curled himself and Avery up with blankets and played paw patrol whilst rocking here back and fourth

She soon fell asleep wich was about time mickey came home

"How's my two adorable humans doing"

"Good she's asleep"

"We'll wake her up"

"Hey baby I'm home"mickey said in a calm voice

"Heyy, daddy home"

Avery started to awake holding her arms out for mickey


"It's me baby"

"I missed you so much"

"I missed you too"

When she calmed down they all cuddled up together watching films for the rest of the night eating pizza

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