Debbie and ian

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Debs: oi

Debs: oi

Debs: oi

Ian: tf debbie

Debs: ginger can u pick franny up today please

Ian: what's in it for me

Debs: well u get to hang out with ur niece and I won't kill u and I'll throw in some money

Ian: how much

Debs: 20

Ian: deal what time

Debs: 16:30

Ian; okay sure

Debs: thanks Ian

Ian: no problem debs oh have u heard from Liam

Debs: no not since lip told us he's selling the house

Ian: well he's not at home and not at school

Debs: he's probably just w franks he's fine or he's doing drugs

Debs: if he's dead we blame lip


Debbie: what

Ian: little harsh even for u

Debbie: it would be true bc it's lips fault I'll be homeless and we all have to leave like I don't want to lose my family

Ian: u aren't gonna lose us we are still family I'm gonna still be ur brother so is lip so is carl so is Liam that won't change unfortunately we are all stuck as gallaghers

Debs: that's true thanks

Ian; no problem always here for my little sis

Debs :))

Ian: love u debs

Debs: love u to 😊

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