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So I have no idea what to write the last 2 stories was what some friends made up

So I'm just gonna tell y'all abit about me

1) I'm 15 nearly 16
2)I like late night drives
3)I love sunsets and sunrises
4) love shamless if u can't tell
5) I like acting/ kinda wanna be a actor
6) I'm terrible at maths
7) I do banger racing( if u don't know that it's driving cars and banging them up and shit)

8) I like drinking (ALOT) age to drink in England is 18 but I'm near that so I can drink

9)I live in England
10) kinda wanna move to America like la or something
9) I love Ian and mickeys relationship
10)idk I'm not a fan of food don't like it that much

That's all idk much about myself lol hahahahah

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