Can i stay with you

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It was around 2am in Chicago
Someone was violently knocking at the door
Ian was already awake in the kitchen when he heard the door being knocked of it's hinges
He grabbed the bat and walked to the door, he swung the door open to see none other then

Mickey milkovich with cuts all over his face
"Can I stay with you"
"Yea, of course what happened"
"Let's get u cleaned up"

Ian walked mickey to the kitchen and cleaned his face

Ian has had the biggest crush on mickey for like ever

Little did he know mickey felt the same ehy else would mickey have gone to Ian's and not any one else's

Shortly after ian cleaned mickeys face they just stared in to eachothers eyes

Ian took the risk and kissed mickey suprisingly he missed back

Couple minutes after they pulled apart

"Look I like u gallagher but we have to keep it on the dl bc if Terry"

"Okay I get that"

"So are we like"

"Boyfriends now"

"Ye id like that"


And they just stayed staring in ti eachothers eyes

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