One day at a time

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Pt 2 to see u soon my love

It had been a good few months since mickeys passing, Ian didn't want to fall in love anymore he tried but he just felt guilty

It was September 9th is. Was at the graveyard sitting with his husband just gossiping about his day

"Hey mick, I miss u know Mandy told me to try date someone I tried but I felt so guilty I couldn't do that so I stopped, I haven't taken my ring of I don't think I can it's the only thing that makes me feel close to u"

Ian talk a short breathe before carrying on whilst holding back tears

"Mandy and iggy miss u a lot Svetlana had heard about it and brought yev she told me I can adopt him I said yes so I adopted ur son I tell him a lot about you that ur one of a kind amazing person and I'm so happy I met you"

"Iggys in prision again for getting caught on a drug deal I go and visit him every few weeks see how he's doing he's doing good mick he told me that I'm strong you know losing u was the worst thing ever"

"Mandy she's okay she's got a boyfriend, don't worry he's not like Kenyatta and I'm protecting her his names Ryan he's a nice lad he was born on the southside but moved to the west side shortly after wich is weird"

"I heard Mandy crying the other night my heart broke for her she was saying she should've been there I comforted her tho"

"Mick please come back"
"I'm sorry"

"Hey Mandy it's okay"

"It's all my fault"

"No it's no one's fault okay I miss him too"

"I should've done something"

"There's nothing u could've done, just try and sleep okay"


Ian got up to leave when Mandy had stuttered

"Can u stay please I don't wanna be alone"

"Ye of course"

Ian and Mandy. Cuddled up and fell asleep both having tears pour from there eyes

End of flashback

"It hurts us all everyday, a while after the funeral I went of my meds I tried to forget about it for a while but it didn't work, I'm still stable on them now iggys like u he makes sure I take them wich is nice"

"Terry, is in prison for life death scentenced for kidnapping and robbery"

"I wish u was here mick it hurts every day without you"

Ian heard a voice behind him wich interrupted his thought


He knew this voice it sounded familiar


No it can't be his minds just playing tricks


No it's not him stop"

"Ian wake up"

Ian sat up panting needing air to breather

"Ian u good u was crying and screaming for him again"

"I can't help it"

"Ik just try sleep"

"I can't sleep without him"

"I know you miss him ian"

"No lip u don't u didn't lose ur soulmate"

"I know I didn't but he's in a better place and he's looking down on you, mick would be so fuckin proud of you okay"


"Night ian"

"Night lip"

Ian lay  awake looking at the ceiling scared to go back to sleep Incase he saw him again and had to wake up to nothing

I was gonna do it where mick was actually dead but then I thought that wouldn't make sense so I'm gonna do a remake to it now and see if it's okay


Ian new that voice it was familiar


"Yea it's me"

"No no it's not I watched u die"

"I promise you ian it's me I'm alive"

Ian started to cry in to his shoulder

"Ur Alive"

"Like ur actually alive"

"Yes I'm alive and I missed you so fucking much"

"Who else knew"

"Lip and iggy"

"Why did u"

"I had to protect you ian I can't have you getting hurt because of me"

"I love you so much don't ever do this shit again"

"I promise I'm here and u know u can't get rid of me"

After a while of tears and hugging and kissing Ian and Mickey wondered back home holding on to eachother Incase this was a dream but no mickey was home

That night ian didn't sleep he watched his husband sleep, Incase he would wake up and not see Mickey again

"U still awake"

"Am now"

"Can't sleep"




"Waking up and not seeing you"

"I'm here I'm not going anywhere"

Ian cuddled up to mickeys chest as Mickey layed his arms around ian like protection

The next morning ian woke up to see no one next to him he started to cry again thinking it was a dream

He wondered downstairs seeing his husband there with his family eating

"Hey ur awake didn't wanna wake u"

"Ian what's wrong"

"I thought u was still dead"

"No I'm sorry baby I'm right here"

Mickey hugged ian tightly whispering sweet nothings in his ear reassuring ian he's not going anywhere any time soon

The end

Choose wich ones better

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