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That man is so fucking hot

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That man is so fucking hot


Look at him

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Look at him

Lip: can u both stop

Mick: make me

Ian:I'll make u 😅😛

Mick: really

Ian: yep

Debbie: oi ginger rat and convict get a room

Ian: we have one

Fiona: Then use it

Mickey: no thanks

Liam: please go use it

Ian: I'll think abt it

Lip: Ian

Ian: yes

Lil: have u taken ur meds?

Ian: maybe

Ian: yes

Ian: maybe

Ian: no

Lip: have u?

Ian: that's a secret I'll never tell

Mick: wait have u Ian

Ian: ugh ffs no I have not now everyone leave me alone

Mick: we spoke about this u gotta take ur meds

Ian: when

Mick: when what

Ian: did I ask

Mick: u didn't I'm telling u TO TAKE THE GOD DAMN MEDS

IAn: no

Mick: yes u idiot

Ian: n

Ian: o

Mick: for god sake just take the god damn meds

Ian: why

Mick: why what?

Ian: why should I?

Debbie:because u have to so u don't go all manic again

Ian: fine I'll take them

Mickey: thanks

Ian: yea yea whatever

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