Gallavich fsmily

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Ian and mickey Gallagher milkovich
Got married who would've saw that coming got there own apartment had to kids with the help of Debbie and Mandy So that there kinds hard have some milkovich and some Gallagher genes

Tommy there first born or Tom for short he's 17 he has dark browny black hair just like Mickey a short temper and loved guns u could say father like son

The second born, Luca he's now 15 he's just like Ian ginger hair,but the thing they dredded was Luca to be bipolar he was diagnosed at the age of 10 when he went in to a really bad manic state but he's calm now him and Ian both take them meds and help eachother through it

Both boys are in high school Tommy has good grades like Ian

Luca on the other hand he's like mickey doesn't care about school and hates it doesn't do anything in lessons someone's gotta keep up with the milkovich legacy right

Luca was doing so mad that it almost led Ian and mickey to a divorce but Ian and mickey are strong they would never break up they don't deserve that after everything after all

Anyways Luca had started acting weird like off his meds weird and Ian and mickey noticed he started being depressed not eating not leaving his room only leaving to go to the bathroom it got worse to the point they had to lock there drawers and cabinets so Luca didn't get anything sharp in his hands

Tommy was worried about his little brother that's what big brothers do they worry but they don't show it they have to act tough right
Terry always said to mickey if u cry ur a pussy so there dad never showed emotion not until he met Ian

Mickeys pov
Luca had started acting strange like depressive strange it started of normal then it just got worse we didn't know what to do he wouldn't take his Meds and we could tell Tommy started to worry.

Tommy sometimes never shows emotions I never do either unless I'm alone or with Ian I hate that Tommy doesnt show his emotions bc I never showed mine like with svetlana I hated her and terrys guts with Mandy I never showed emotions it wasn't until halfway through mine and Ian's relationship I started opening up to him but no one in fear of being judged

Ian's pov
Luca he's something just like me bipolar crazy family if I could take shit bakc I would like listening to Monica breaking up with Mickey but I had no one there when I was depressed except mickey I shut everyone out but not mickey I don't want Luca shutting us all out bc if he does it only gets worse from there

He barely ate anything, and me and mickey try and help bc we don't want to be like Frank or Terry even worse Monica

We went day by day letting him eat small food and it worked eventually he started taking his meds again Tommy was still worried who wouldn't be just gotta embrace the crazy and the depression we will get used to it just gotta learn to live with it

No one's pov
Over the course of a couple months Luca got better and to his normal self they was all a happy little family

Idk what the fuck this is
Is it okay is it bad

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