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"Hey mick, why don't u take Alex to see iggy"

"I guess I can"

"Alright, see u later love you"

With iggy

"Ay up mate"

"Ay, oh ay little man"

"U good"

"Yea u, where's ur husband at"

"At home,told me to come and see u with the little one"

"Oh well damn hah oh shit umm these are some pals mickey this derek and his daughter Avery derek Avery this is my brother mickey and his son Alex"

"Nice to meet u pal"

"So mick how's life going"

"It's going good be and Ian got in a really big argument the other night"

"Don't u always"

"This was worse, even tho we said we wouldn't leave the house in a argument we nearly did it ended in smashing plates and throwing shit at eachother"

"Where was Alex"

"With lip"

"Oh, what was it about"

"Trevor, had messaged him and then some other random shit about the past"

"U want me to kill Trevor"

"Haha no man thanks tho but don't want u bakc in the joint"

"Alri bro, and how's my favorite lil nephew"

"I- im very good uncle iggy did u know I can count to 10"

"No way that's cool gotta show me"


"Well done Alex"

"Right we'll best get u bakc to ur dad before he threatens to cut my dick of again"

"He would never do that"

"Oh he would trust me"

"Ugh u two and ur porn"


"Ay Alex u ready"

"Dad I wanna go

"Come on let's go see ur dad"

"See u soon iggs*

"Yea see u mate"

"Dadddddyyyy I wanna. Go"

"Chill ur tits Alex we're going

"Bye buddy"



"Yes buddy"

"Why was there people with uncle iggy"

"Because there his friends and they help him with the cars"

"Oh will i have friends"

"Maybe one day"


"Daddy im tired"

"U can go sleep when we are home okay"

"Okay daddy"

The two arrived home and walked in the door"

"U two have fun"Ian whispered seeing his son half asleep on his husbands shoulder"

"Yea it was a blast got to shoots a good rob a bank"


"Nah in fucking with y'a"

"Right, go but him in bed"


"Dinners In the oven"

"Okay thanks"

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