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I love you. It means we take care of each other. It means thick and thin, good times, bad, sickness, health, all that shit. - mickeymilkovich

You can't drink him away. It won't work. - Debbie Gallagher

I believe the answer to that question, like the answer to most questions, is fuck you! - Lip Gallagher

Sometimes when people love each other very much, they need time apart, so when they come back together, their love is even stronger - Sheila Jackson

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in getting what we want, that we forget to ask ourselves why we wanted it in the first place - Ian Gallagher

Mickey Milkovich: What's wrong with him?

Fiona Gallagher: Uh, depression, I think.

Mickey Milkovich: He... he's depressed? What do you mean he's... We all get f**king depressed. How the f**k could we not, living around here?

Fiona Gallagher: It's not that kind of depressed, okay? Look, I could be wrong, but it could be bipolar disease, like our mom.

Mickey Milkovich: Bi... bi... What? What the f**k is that?

Mandy Milkovich: It's manic depression, Mick.

Fiona Gallagher: It's like high highs followed by low lows, over and over again.

Fiona Gallagher: We'll get him an appointment at the clinic, and we'll see what they say.

Mickey Milkovich: No, no, look. He... he's low. We cheer him up.

Fiona Gallagher: It's not like that. He may have to be hospitalized.

Mickey Milkovich: What do you mean, hos... Like a psych ward? No fu**ing way! No f**king way! He's staying here.

Fiona Gallagher: He could end up suicidal.

Mickey Milkovich: Then we hide the knives until he perks up. I can... I can take care of him. Okay, let me take care of him until he's better.

Fiona Gallagher: It... it can be weeks. It's mood swings, okay? It's almost impossible to handle.

Mickey Milkovich: Don't f**king tell me what's impossible! We're taking care of him here. You, me, us. His f**king family.

That all you got? That's it? I'm still here, you f**ker! Frank Gallagher! I'm alive! You see me? You see me standing here? You lost, a$$holeshole! I'm alive, motherf**ker! Me, Frank Gallagher! Alive. Alive.

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