All grown up

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I love the stories or one shots w Ian's bf mickey having a kid and married

Ella's pov
Sup, I'm Ella Ella gallagher milkovich
What? Got a problem or some shit? Anyways my dads ian and mickey raised me my aunt Debbie  was the surrogate for me, I have brown hair and blonde highlights
I have a short temper, anger issues and anxiety, I love guns and getting high a lot

My dads always say they don't wanna be like there parents but to be honest my dads are the best out there they can fuck up sometimes but they are both great people

We live on the west side of Chicago but I do miss the southside

I am lesbian I came out on my 15th birthday, I have two best friends lily she's panasexual and sam he's trans and I love them maybe more then my family me and lily said if we are both single in 10 years we're just gonna get married

I tend to get drunk alot not as much now bc I worry my dads and I  don't wanna do that

I have a crush, on this girl she's sweet she's kind she's alot if things she's bisexual and I think I've fallen in love with her

Her names Skye and we talk alot, but I don't wanna ruin our friendship
"Why don't u just kiss her"
"Why not"

"Because she doesn't feel the same"

Anyways my parents always make a big deal it's sad I'm growing up but that's life right

This is shit, I didn't like this anyways so yea

I was at home at the dinner table just revising for my mocks coming up whilst my dads was talking
"So el u got a girlfriend yet?"Ian had asked "umm no not yet I got a crush tho" "oh do tell el"
"Well she's cute she's bitchy and I think I'm in love" "what's her name" "Skye"

"Oh wow"

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