Hes it for me man

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It was ian and mickeys engagement night ian had just worn mickey out after 7 good rounds

Ian wondered downstairs to get himself and mickey a drink

Mickey was already passed out already knowing his ass is gonna be sore when he woke up

Ian walked down the stairs trying not to wake anyone in the gallagher house up

When he got down stairs he flinched as he saw a dark figure sitting there He rushed to turn the lights on and that dark figure was lip

"What are u going up"

"Not tired wbu"

"Getting a drink"
"Why can't u sleep"

"You know I don't want to move to mileakue"

"Tell tami that"

"I tried"

"It might be good for u lip"


"Get away from here leave it behind"

"What about you and Debbie and Carl and Liam"

"I can't take after them now and I have mickey"

"U and mickey milkovich getting married Jesus"

"Aha, he's it for me man couldn't pick anymore better"

"Oh really"

"Yes, now what u gonna do about Milwaukee"

"I really don't know man"

"Just think about it lip"
"Who knows might be good for ya do it up sell it"

"Yhyh, how's the wedding planning coming along"

"He wants a full wedding tons of guests I even need a best man"

"Who u picking"

"I don't know"

"Ah, what else"

"I think he just wants a big wedding to piss his dad off I'm all for pissing that peace of shit off, but if I get held at gun point then no ahah"

"U seem happier with him you know"

"Says the guy that said I can do better then him"

"Ye, I was dumb teenager had not good relationship but you and Mickey that's a real relationship"
"I'm proud of you ian"

"Thanks, he does make me happy"

"Is Fiona going to the wedding"

"I don't think so why"

"Just wondering what about Mandy"

"Sandys walking mickey down the isle and Mandy don't think she wants to come In case she deals with you again I don't know man kinda wish she was there"

"Mandy's best friend and brother getting married"

"She's the reason we started"

"That long Jesus Christ"

They both had smirks on there face as they heard feet coming down the stairs

"Oi, where's my water and fiancé at don't leave me on my own"

"Sorry babe"

"Better be"

Mickey and Ian grabber the water and walked back upstairs

"Night lip"

"Night Ian love ya"

"LOVE YOU MICKEy" lip shouted but whispered

"FUCK you" mickey said back to lip

Lip always knew they was soulmates just didn't expect them to tie the knot so quick

But as mickey said
"When you know you know.... You know"

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