Fred lip tami mick yev and ian

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Both kids are 10

"We should go on a ROADTRIP"lip thought we can go California and just stay for the weekend right and that's what's they did they all got packed and got in there own cars and travelled


M: I don't know why I agreed to this
I: it's our family
M: yea buddy u go sleep we will wake u up when we are there
Y: okay dad

W tami and lip
T: what u thinking
L: idk just stuff
T: we'll stop we are all gonna have fun this weekend okay
L: Yh right sorry

Both families in the car both adults taking turns to drive every couple of hours they was 6 hours in with another 3 left
Both chrilden was getting hungry and tired

They all stop of at there local McDonald's and all ate before getting bakc on the road
It was around midnight when they had got to the hotel.

Next day
Both families wanted to go for a walk they left the hotel when yev moaned
Y:daddy I feel sick
I: u sure
Y: I-I'm gonna, and seconds late yevgent threw up
M: I'll go take him to the room u all walk

So that's what they did mickey took his soon bakc to the hotel room and Ian lip tami and Fred went for a walk

Ian felt bad he left his husband and son to go back but he knew mickey would take care of him

Around 2 hours later they got bakc to the room to see mickey and yevgeny cuddled up asleep together Ian took a photo of his little family

A little smile came on his face of how proud and happy he was he got this far with the bipolar and just to be happy he was finally there

After a very enjoyable weekend they made their way back home to the GaLlAgHeR house

That's it some short story

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