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Mick: how u feeling Kay?

Kaylee: like shit

Ian: u stay in bed then?

Kaylee: okay

Ian and mickey could hear crying from they daughters they walked in to see her curled up in a ball crying
Mick: hey what's wrong
Kaylee: nothing leave me alone
Ian: u can talk to us it's okay
Kaylee: m-my friends they haven't text me ever since I told them about me maybe being bipolar bc of Ian's genes they have got tired of me
Ian: hun? There not tired of u they just don't know how to react

Mick: yea like when I found out Ian was bipolar I wasn't tired of him it was just shock just gotta give them time or they are just busy

Kaylee: but before I found out I went bat shit crazy and depressed and they looked at me like I'm crazy even Sam did

Ian:that's the disease just gotta embrace it

Kaylee: can u tell me some crazy stories that u did please

Ian: sure

Ian: so I was really manic and I got home and Mickey was there kinda pissed but I told him I had filmed a porno

Kay: eww actually

Ian: yes, anyways he told me I was sick and I had to go the the er or somet so he went in to the bedroom and I ran out stealing yvgeney and I ran

We went to Florida I left yvgeney in the hot car for 5 minutes and I started hallucinating thinking that they was satan gonna steal "my kid"
Then after they had calmed me down we went to the police station and I saw mickey again we hugged and I admitted my self to the mental hospital to help me

Kaylee: woah that's umm something

Mick: yea and guess what

Kay: what

Mick: no matter what people thought or said I was there for everything bc yea I didn't understand the disease but I helped and me and Ian will help u through it too okay

Kay: okay thanks

Ian: no problem just get some sleep okay

Kay: okay I- I love u guys

Ian: love u to kid

Mick: yea love u to

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