Dad? Part 3

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S: why did u go see him

Y: i wanted to know who he was and he's kinda cool

S: u can't do that

Y: why the fuck not

S: orange boy crazy

Y: HES medicated give him a break

S: whatever just be home before it's dark

Y: im gonna spend the night

S: u be home we go tommorow yes?

Y: mhm

S: yes?

Y: ......


Y: yes I fucking got it

S: just like u father

S: how is ur no good father and his ginger lover boy doing anyways

Y: there happy they live on the west side grandpa Terry died, mum there really happy together
Why doesn't dad love me, he said it was just thing that happened but u and him are still friend and he had to get used to me

S: LIES he tell u lies

Y: mum tell me the truth

S: fine, I had to rape him and then he came out as gay and I promise u yev me and him love u with every inch of our hearts even carrot boy okay

Y: im sorry I came in to ur lives and u didn't want me

S: trust me okay we do want u Ian always looked after u u never went anywhere without him it was cute
Me and ur dad are friends and we love u so much
More then anything and we are so lucky to have you in our lives

Y: thanks mum

S: it's okay go hang with ur dad and Ian be back tommorow

Y: really

S: yes now go before I change my mind

Y: i love u mum

S: love u to yev

Y: ✨✨

S: ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

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