Mickey and sandy

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Mick: Ayo

Sandy: sup

Mick: where u at

Sandy: somewhere why?

Mick: Debbie's. Asking about u

Sandy: that physco

Mick: that's true but still

Sandy: don't tell her shit

Mick: didnt want too anyways

Sandy: fuck u very much

Mick: fuck u too

Sandy: what's up

Mick: nothing really u?

Sandy: decided just to travel more yk

Mick: yea I get that well enjoy

Sandy: thanks how's apartment searching going

Mick: good but guess where we live

Sandy: same house


Sandy: mickey milkovich living on the west side now that's somet I didn't expect

Mick: shut up, it wasn't my idea

Sandy: ah sure okay

Mick: yea lol

Sandy: anyways gtg

Mick: bye

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