Part 2 ian and mickey at coachella

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When they meet up

"Mick be nice today"

"Under one condition"

"U give me a really good bj tonight"

"Don't I give them every night"

"Yea but gotta give a good one al night"

"Fine yea whatever"


"Hey u two"

"Hey mick"


"So how u too been"

"Good, we went to visit my family and stuff"

"How are they"

"My brother and his gf and son got in to a couple money problem and there arguing"

"No because she's bitchy and wants to live w mommy and daddy"

"Why don't he live w ur parents"

"Frank he's always out on a bender and he passed away
Monica she's past away 2 years ago

"I'm sorry, how did they die"

"Frank od and covid"
"Monica can't remembe"

"What about ur parents mick"

"Oh fuck well my mum she's died when I was a kid my dad beat her to death and my dad he passed away as we told u by a nun"

"We're sorry"

"It's okay don't be sorry"

They 4 just kept talking sharing laughs

"Hey gallagher last drink can't have that many on ur meds"

"Right yea"

"Why his last drink"

"bc if not his meds go out of balance"

"Meds what meds"

"Oh right yea I'm bipolar like manic depression meaning I'm a crazy bitch as my sister tells me"

"Oh shit sorry"

"It's all good I was diagnosed at 17 and learnt to live with it"

"Oh damn"

"Right ur not crazy we went over this don't make me deck u right now"

"I know sorry babe"

"Stop gallagher"

"Never milkovich"

"Aww u too are so cute"

"Took is a while but we made it here"

"Damn soulmates"

"Yea we are"

"So tell us ur love story"

"Well I was 15 and he was 17 I was fucking my work partner who was married yea ik umm we started fucking when I went to ask him for a gun back then we carried on but never told anyone

Later we had one night just us and his dad caught us hired a Russian hand whore to fuck the faggot out of mick while I watched we was al held at gun point

So then they got married and they had a kid (yevgeney) then I told his sister about us and realised I can't be here so I left for the army 4 years

I broke up with him and just didn't care at that point

When I came bakc i worked as a stripper and woke up in his house his wife threatened me w a claw hammer

Then after he lived w me and I forced him to come out to everyone I was showing signs of bipolar but no one knew

Then I made a porno and I was looking after yev and mick wanted to take me to the doctors but I ran of with yev

I left him in the car  and thought that somone came to take him

Spent a couple nights in a phsyc ward then my half sister called mps on me bc I tried to steal a helicopter mick tried to kill her

"Never mess with a gallagher or milkovich"

" then I went of w my mum and came bakc and broke up with mick and he went to jail then later he escaped and went to mexico I left him at the border and then I went to prison and he was there I committed arson bc they wanted to take this young gay kid to conversion therapy"

"Anyways after we both got out got married and here we are"

"That's such an amazing story guys"


"Do h always punch when u fight"

"Used to it was just a defence mechanism for living in Chicago in the southside"

"Ah right

"We better get going army"

"Yea right talk soon"

"Yea bye guys"

"Come on gallagher we got stuff to do »

"Hey mick"


"I love you"

"I love u to army"

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