Oh franny

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Franny is 15 years Old

Franny gallagher she's sweet kind lives to play with guns with her uncle Mickey
Even tho she's older she will never stop hanging with Mickey

But going highschool it made her different she wouldn't hang with Mickey as much she would stay in the room and not talk to anyone

Teenage years that's what Debbie would say or that it's her phone but no

At school franny would be bullied for having a gay mum that's a convict a junkie grandad that's never there a dead grandma

Franny loves her family but this she couldn't tell anyone yea she trusted mickey with everything but he would tell Ian and he would tell Debbie because that's how it worked

If someone told someone everyone will find out

A couple months ago franny had a crush but everyone found out he was popular and she wasn't so everyone laughed at her and the rumours went around

Everyone knows u shouldn't mess with a gallagher or a milkovich but some people tried to test that theory

Franny wanted to leave she wanted to escape that feeling of no one loves her she felt really alone and couldn't tell anyone in the fear that they wouldn't understand

Mickey was going over so him and franny can go out for ice cream as they do that every fridya night

Franny was there soon being inturrupted by a knock at the door
"Oi franny let me in"
"Hey uncle Mickey"
"Ready to go rugrat
They walked out the door after shouting to Debbie that mickey was there

"Right kid WhAts up"
"Nothing even if there was u would tell Ian and he would tell my mum"
"I promise I won't unless it's really bad"
"Fine, I'm being bullied bc of Frank and Monica and my mum and I just can't I mean I don't want to do it anymore I-
"U what"

"I want to die I've hurt myself I feel like no one loves me I don't wanna be here anymore"

"Oh franny we all love you between u and me I love u more than ur uncle Ian"Mickey said and chuckled earning a smile from the young ginger

"I just don't want this life I mean how do I tell mum the person who Carried me for 9 months that I don't want the life she gave me and look at my dad he fucking left bc he didn't want me "
"Ur dad is a dick but ur mum all of us we love u more than anything and we don't want anything bad happening to u okay"

"R u going to tell uncle Ian"

"U know I have to or he's gonna force it out of me"

"Yea I guess ur right"

"I'm always right what are u chatting"

"Will u always love uncle ian"

"As much as he can be a pain in my ass yea I've always loved him and always will"

Later that night with Ian and Mickey

"How was hanging out with franny mick"


"What happened"


"Tell me"

"Nothing happened"

"Don't make me force it out of u"

"U wouldn't dare"

"But I would"


"Good go on tell me then"

"Franny wants to kill herself she hurt herself bc of people bullying her and I don't know what to do she made me promise not to tell u but understand I have to"

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