Debbie and franny

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Franny has a phone she's in middle school

Fran: mom

Debs: yea

Fran: can I got uncle mickeys after school

Debs: it's fine w me but u gotta ask him first and uncle ian okay

Fran: okay

Mickey and franny


mickey: yea

Fran: can I come over to urs and uncle Ian's after school

Mickey: sure gotta ask uncle ian aswell if ur mum said u can

Fran: said I can

Mick: okay fran, just make sure to ask uncle ian aswell okay

Fran: okay uncle Mickey

Fran and ian

Fran: uncle ian

Ian: yea

Fran: can I come over urs and uncle mickeys after school uncle Mickey said yes and mum said yes to

Ian: I don't see why not

Fran: okay I'll see u in about an hour can u make me some hot chocolate when I'm ther e

Ian: anything for my favourite niece

Franny: dude I'm ur only niece

Ian: yea but if ur aunt Fiona has a kid we gotta keep u in first dont we

Franny: yes yes we do

Ian: lol see u soon munchkin

Franny: bye uncle ian love u

Ian: love you to

Franny: can u tell uncle Mickey I love him

Ian: will do I gtg get back to work and u get bakc to learning

Fran; okay

Ian and Mickey

Mickey: franny is coming over

Ian: Ik she told me

Mickey: okay lover

Ian: she said she loves ya

Mickey: ig I love her to lol

Ian: I'll see u when I'm home love u

Mickey: love u to

Mick and debs

Mick: me and Ian will have franny after school till later

Debs: that's fine mick

Mick: ye, u heard from Sandy

Debs: no why would I

Mick: well she would usually message me but she hasn't

Debs: oh ok gtg byeeeeeeee

Mickey: yea bye

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